The Joy Of Traffic
December 23rd, 2021I’ve written before about riding with go-fast guys. As I’ve said, I choose to ride my own ride and am not concerned with keeping up with people going faster than I am comfortable with.
That said, I wanted to make note of the one ally that frequently makes the issue of speed moot: traffic. Traffic can be an ally in two ways.
First off, if the guys ahead of you are racing ahead and you’re starting to lose sight of them, there’s nothing like a bunch of cars lined up behind a big RV to get the group back together again. If, like me, you like to cruise at a comfortable speed and enjoy the scenery then poking along in traffic can be a good thing.
Only to an extent, though. I’m just as eager to get past someone going way too slowly as the next guy and getting stuck going super slow with no escape in sight is torture for me just as much as for you. Fortunately my temperament is such that I just accept it, I don’t get all road-ragey. It is what it is and it’s best if you can just accept it. And I am not going to risk my life to pass someone no matter how long I’ve been stuck behind them.
But some people will. And that’s where traffic can again be an ally. If the go-fast guys ahead of you see their opening and blast off–safely or otherwise–but the opening is gone before it’s your turn, then you totally have no concern about losing the other guys ahead in the distance. I’ll see you again when I see you.
This was definitely something I encountered on an RMMRC ride this summer. I was on the Honda and let’s face it, that bike just doesn’t go that fast. It could, but in 1980 when it was built Harley-Davidson was lobbying Congress to ban the hot new bikes coming over from Japan as being dangerously fast. Too dangerously fast. Japan responded by putting rev limiters on bigger bikes to deliberately cripple them. My CB750 Custom has a speedometer that tops out at 85 mph. With 750cc of power it surely would go faster than 85 except for that rev limiter.
So we left Granby headed to Kremmling and the go-fast boys in front of me took off. I tried with some success to keep up but then we got into the canyon just west of Hot Sulphur Springs. We were behind a couple cars but one turned off and there was an opening and they blasted by the remaining one. No way could I get past at that point and then there was no place to pass for quite a while. By then there was nobody to be seen up ahead. I just didn’t worry about it. I poked along at my own speed.
You know what? We all got there. I do like speed at times but it’s just not high on my list of priorities.
Biker Quote for Today
An undertaker always rides his motorcycle slowly and never speeds it. Because he is not an overtaker.