Posts Tagged ‘motorcycles in the rain’

Riding In The Rain

Monday, March 30th, 2015

I am frequently contacted by people offering me material to use on this blog, and most of the time it offers them some direct benefit if I do. Most of the time I just delete it because it’s not even relevant, but occasionally I’ll take a look and decide that it actually does have some value for motorcyclists.

With that intro you know what’s coming, right?

OK, so what we have here is what is called an infographic, that is, a graphic presenting information that, hopefully can be helpful and of use. This one is presented by Michael Padway and Associates, who describes himself on his site as “The Motorcycle Attorney.” It’s about riding in the rain: gear, safety tips, and checklist of things to have with you.

If you’ve been riding a long time there’s probably nothing on here that you don’t already know, but you never know. If you’re a new rider this is definitely good information. Because if you’re serious about riding motorcycles, you will ride in the rain.

So here it is; check it out. You just might learn something.

Motorcycle Safety Tips for Riding in the Rain

Biker Quote for Today

“The price of man in motion is the occasional collision. Motor racing is dangerous. In order to be competitive in this business it is necessary for both man and machine to operate at the outer edges of their respective performance envelopes. The closer we come to the edge, the greater the risk of falling off.” –Carroll Smith