Posts Tagged ‘Lee Parks Total Control’

Response On MOST Discussion

Saturday, May 9th, 2015
beginning rider course

A beginning rider course.

One big difference between doing this blog and writing for a newspaper is that at a newspaper I would need to take a lot of time talking to people on all sides of an issue before sitting down to write what would hopefully be an article that distills conflicting views down into something approaching the truth. Even now, with a lot more time available, I’m not going to spend entire days tracking down this kind of comprehensive information. And with a fast-breaking story like this anti-MOST bill, I would have ended up not publishing anything until long after the matter was decided. So I get comments from one person and present them and then get rebuttal from someone else and present that. Gradually I get more expert in the subject myself and can discuss my understanding of what the truth of the matter is, but in the meantime I do my best to present all sides.

With that lead-in, I got an email Friday from Terry Howard, no longer with ABATE but now with Motorcyclists Advocacy of Colorado, who has had a lot of experience with the MOST program and rider training issues. She had this to say in response to what I’ve published about the late bill to kill the MOST program.
Hi Ken,

I just read your article and I am not sure where people are getting their information from, but it is incorrect information. I helped Mr. Parks write the bid for the MOST administrative program. Nothing can be further from the truth about a Total Control training monopoly! A monopoly is what MSF has in Colorado today. ALL rider training licensing courses in Colorado use MSF. In fact, Total Control Training is the ONLY company that would admin the program in Colorado with a choice of curriculum. They have the staff to provide Q&A for 3 different curricula. If the bid were to be awarded to Total Control Training, schools can teach MSF and/or Total Control. It is not a one or nothing deal.

I applaud Mr. Parks for asking for an endorsement from SMSA. We can ask why no one else has ever bothered to do this. While SMSA is not an accrediting agency, they are composed of state motorcycle safety administrators, so I would think their review would hold some credibility. Where could you find a better group of people to review a curriculum? MSF can do the same thing, they just haven’t.

While I understand that the Senate bill had the SMSA component in there, Mr. Parks was not aware of this until it was written in the bill. Mr. Parks had no contact with the senator whatsoever. Someone else must have suggested that wording to Senator Sonnenberg.

I like the Total Control Training program. When I found out that they had licensing courses I was quite interested in learning more about it. After learning that Texas, Maryland, US Navy, and the US Marine Corp all are using this curriculum, I felt it should be explored in Colorado. Anyone that knows me (including MOST staff) is well aware that I have always been a proponent for a second curriculum that would address riding conditions in Colorado more in depth than what the MSF curriculum does. I will admit when I first met Lee Parks I wasn’t really sure about him. After taking the time to speak with him and work with him over the past couple of years, I can say this man truly believes in his work and I have the utmost respect for him. He is passionate about motorcycle safety and training. He is always striving to improve his program and takes suggestions from instructors in the field. I told Lee that I would be happy to bring his curriculum to MOST to go through the approval process. Which is exactly what one of his instructors and I did back in early March.

I have copied him on this email and I am suggesting to you to get his point of view. I know you are only reporting what has been stated to you. I also know you well enough that you would like the other side of the story, so please email Lee. Get the full story. So many people out there seem to jump to conclusions without going to the source to find out exactly what the intentions are. So many folks are, dare I use the word “afraid” of change, that they panic without knowing all the facts. My comment to the training companies, before you get in a tizzy, learn all the facts and quit listening to rumor.

Thanks Ken, I always appreciate your interest and pursuit in getting information out to motorcyclists.

I’ll tell you where this matter leaves me: I look forward eagerly to the definitive exposition of this whole business that Matt Wessels is working on. It will be a while yet. Matt is getting married soon so he can be excused for not making this his top priority. But at this point I don’t think there’s any rush. I certainly do hope he has it ready to go before the next legislative session, however.

Biker Quote for Today

Gear: Because walking away in disgust beats riding away in an ambulance.