OFMC 2024: Headed Home
August 22nd, 2024Headed home from Fort Garland on the last day of the trip we had several options as to route. Bill considered heading up US 285 because that took him right past his daughter Jenna’s house and he could stop for a visit. If we really wanted to get home we could just continue on US 160 to Walsenburg and take I-25 north. Or we could get to Walsenburg and then cut back northwest by the Wet Mountains to Westcliffe, then to Penrose, and on to Colorado Springs and pick up I-25 there if we wanted something more laid back and scenic. Plus a fair bit longer.
In reality, the last day of the trip always turns into horses headed for the stable and we decided to blast.
Of course the ride from Fort Garland to Walsenburg is a very nice ride, especially early in the morning. I’ve been on US 160 going both ways early in the morning and its pretty darn sweet. This day was no different.
Then there was I-25. Ugh. There was nothing to do but to do it but we agreed that rather than take I-25 all the way into Denver we would get off at Monument and take the back road. The back road is CO 105, which runs up to Palmer Lake, through Perry Park, on to Sedalia. For Dennis and Bill that is actually a more direct route to where they live and I considered splitting off at Monument but then Bill had an idea.
These two guys have been telling me for years that Bud’s Burger Bar in Sedalia has the best burgers around. I had never been there. Judy and I were over that way recently at lunch time so we had decided to stop and try the place out but it was jammed and we would have had a long wait to get seated, so we left. So let’s stop at Bud’s for lunch. I’m in.
What is there to say about I-25. We survived it. We got through Colorado Springs. The traffic on I-25 through Colorado Springs is terrible and it was this day but we slogged on through. Then the run on up CO 105 was as sweet as ever. This is a major route for motorcycles on weekends especially so it’s always good.
Then Sedalia and Bud’s. Once again they were full but my friends, the old hands, knew that the protocol was that if there was space at one of the big round tables you just ask the folks there if it’s OK to join them. We asked these two guys and they welcomed us. Finally I’m going to taste a Bud’s burger.
I’d like to say it was fabulous, but I don’t like to lie. No question, it was a good burger but not something I’d drive all the way over there for. So we were talking with these guys we were sharing the table with and they asked what our favorite burger places were. Bill and Dennis said right here. Bud’s. These guys said they are always on the hunt for the best burger in town and in their opinions there is no place that beats The Hound, over at Hampden and Yosemite.
Now my ears perked up. I live right there by Hampden and Yosemite. Judy and I used to go to that place for burgers and we definitely considered them the best in town. But the place changed hands, changed names, and we were disappointed in the burgers under the new management and had not been back. I told these guys this and they said whatever may have been, they do once again have the best burgers in town. Judy and I will definitely be trying them out.
So we continued with our meal and finally Bill stopped and asked what I thought of the Bud’s burger. “You’ve eaten half of it and you haven’t said a word.” I know he wanted me to rave about it and say how great it was but, again, I hate to lie, so I said honestly that I thought it was “definitely a good burger.” Period. It was not what he wanted to hear. I think he took it personally and was a little miffed.
We finished eating and now it really was time to split up. I would get on US 85 and take a right turn while they would go left. We said our good-byes and the 2024 OFMC trip was another in the books. Maybe the last. But I thought that last year so maybe not. We’ll see.
Biker Quote for Today
You might be a Yuppie biker if you won’t ride unless it’s a group ride.