Lane Filtering One Step Closer

February 8th, 2024

A Senate committee on Wednesday approved a proposal to legalize lane filtering.

On Wednesday this week lane filtering took one step closer to reality in Colorado, though whether it makes it all the way is not at all a certainty. The bill was passed out of committee on a 6-1 vote.

The primary sponsor of SB24-079, Motorcycle Lane Filtering & Passing, Sen. Nick Hinrichsen, speaking to the Senate Transportation & Energy Committee, compared the reluctance of many people to buy into the idea of allowing filtering to the initial uncertainty when roundabouts were first becoming common. That reluctance faded as the public became familiar with roundabouts. He also noted that some motorcyclists will disregard the laws whether this particular one passes or not, and stressed that with his proposal, “we seek no protection for those individuals.”

Among those speaking in opposition were Pueblo Police Department Chief Steven Noeller, representing the Colorado Association of Chiefs of Police. He questioned the law enforcement ability to enforce and safely implement the law and argued that while lane filtering is commonly practiced in Europe, “we are not in Europe” and American driving habits are different (i.e., more aggressive) than over there.

Another speaker in opposition, Ed Shoenhite, a rider and RiderCoach, argued that this law would not make young riders safer, “it’s gonna get them killed.”

Jeff Jensen, with the Colorado Springs Police Department, said the issues addressed by this bill offer a “solution to a problem that does not exist. . . . The risks simply outweigh the rewards.”

ABATE of Colorado weighed in saying the group is neutral on the proposal, seeing pros and cons. The Colorado State Patrol did likewise.

The American Motorcyclist Association, represented by regional representative Nick Sands, took a position in favor of the bill arguing that it should be the motorcyclist’s choice. Others spoke in favor, both in person and online.

Hinrichsen summed up after testimony concluded noting that while road rage is a real issue, with the potential for some drivers to feel that motorcyclists were cheating, public policy should follow the data. He cited the example of roads where a lane is ending and the need for drivers to merge. Many feel that drivers who drive all the way up to the merge point before moving over are cheating, but studies have shown that that is the best and most efficient way for the two lanes of traffic to become one.

He argued that that same sort of data shows his proposal to be a positive change.

When called for a vote, Senators Lisa Cutter, Nick Hinrichsen, Cleave Simpson, Chris Hansen, Tony Exum, and Kevin Priola were in favor. Sen. Byron Pelton voted no.

Biker Quote for Today

Life is too short for traffic.

Motorcycles ARE Transportation

February 5th, 2024

As long as the roads aren’t like this you always have back-up transportation if you have a motorcycle.

For obvious reasons, transportation was an issue for me after this idiot totaled my car a couple weeks ago. The issue was quickly resolved for a while when my insurance company got me a rental car, with them paying $30 a day and me picking up the remainder, about $10 a day. But then I bought a new car and before Judy gave me a ride over to pick it up we took my rental back.

Before I could pick up the new car my insurance company called to tell me the one I was buying–a used car–had a recall on it and until I could get that warranty issue handled they could cover me for liability but not for comprehensive and collision. OK, that’s a real issue and a couple quick calls later I had an appointment to get the new car in for the warranty work just a few days later. But still, driving at all without comp and collision made me extremely uncomfortable.

Judy said I was welcome to use hers any time I wanted but as we looked at our schedules we quickly saw there would be some conflicts where she needed her car and I needed to get somewhere. Not a problem, I told her, I can ride one of my bikes.

Of course this ability is always contingent at this time of year on the weather. But at this time we were having some beautiful, warm weather. So one day I needed to run up to the salvage yard in Commerce City where my old car now resided because I wanted to get my old plates to put on my new car. I rode the V-Strom.

Later that day I needed to run some paperwork to my insurance agent so they could process my claim and cut me a check. They’re way down south but it was a beautiful day so of course I’m happy to run down there on the bike. Motorcycles ARE transportation. They just happen to also be fun.

The next day I had a dental appointment. Again, the V-Strom got me there and as long as I was out I made about three other stops.

Eventually we did get over to pick up the new car but even just driving it home and parking it and then driving it to get the warranty work done without coverage had me very uneasy. But the sales guy told me the law requires that in a situation like this the insurance company has to extend your previous coverage to your new vehicle for a minimum number of days, not sure how many. I checked with my agent and he confirmed this is correct. So why didn’t they tell me that when they said I had to get the warranty work done before I’d be covered?

Anyway, I got the car, the weather turned nasty, and I was able to use the car without worrying. And now probably by the time you read this the warranty work will be done and all will be back to normal. But it sure was great to have the bikes to turn to when I didn’t have a car to use.

Biker Quote for Today

I’m not afraid to go fast, it’s crashing and burning that sucks.

Two Bills Of Interest Coming Up At The Capitol

February 1st, 2024

Do you see that woman on the opposite corner? If this idiot had come along five seconds sooner it would have been her he hit instead of me.

If you want your voice to be heard now is the time to speak up. There are two bills coming up in the Colorado legislature that are of interest to motorcyclists.

On Wednesday, February 7, at 1:30 in room 352 at the Capitol, there will be a hearing on SB24-079 (Motorcycle Lane Filtering & Passing). Here’s the bill summary.

The bill authorizes a 2-wheeled motorcycle to overtake or pass another motor vehicle in the same lane if:

The other motor vehicle is stopped or moving in the same direction of travel as the motorcycle;
The road has lanes wide enough to pass safely;
The motorcycle is moving at 20 miles per hour or less; and
Conditions permit prudent operation of the motorcycle while overtaking or passing.

A motorcycle rider overtaking or passing under the bill must not overtake or pass:

On the right shoulder;
To the right of a vehicle in the farthest right-hand lane if the highway is not limited access; or
In a lane of traffic moving in the opposite direction.

If you want to promote–or oppose–this bill come on down and have your say.

Then, on Monday, February 12, at 1:30 in room 352, there will be a hearing for SB24-065 (Mobile Electronic Devices & Motor Vehicle Driving). Here’s the summary on that one.

Current law prohibits an individual who is under 18 years of age from using a mobile electronic device when driving. The bill applies the prohibition to an individual who is 18 years of age or older unless the individual is using a hands-free accessory. The following uses are exempted:

By an individual reporting an emergency to state or local authorities;
By an employee or contractor of a utility when responding to a utility emergency;
By a first responder; or
By an individual in a motor vehicle that is parked.

The penalties for a violation are:

For a first offense, $75 and 2 license suspension points;
For a second offense within 24 months, $150 and 3 license suspension points; and
For a third or subsequent offense within 24 months, $250 and 4 license suspension points.

A violation will be dismissed if the individual has not previously committed a violation, produces proof of purchase of a hands-free accessory, and affirms, under penalty of perjury, that the defendant has not previously claimed this option to dismiss.

Current law requires a peace officer who makes a traffic stop to record the demographic information of the violator, whether a citation has been issued, and the violation cited. The bill clarifies that the peace officer must record whether the bill has been violated.

The executive director of the department of transportation, in consultation with the chief of the Colorado state patrol, is required to create a campaign raising public awareness of the requirements of the bill and of the dangers of using mobile electronic devices when driving.

I don’t know about you but I could not endorse this bill more strongly, and I do plan to be there to testify. With my recent T-boning by some guy whose eyes were somewhere far from the road I have a really personal interest here. And while I was unhurt, viewing the dash cam video captured by the car behind the guy who hit me, it is clear that if that guy had been about five seconds sooner he would not have hit me but would have hit–and very possibly killed–a woman who crossed the street just before I got to the intersection. What is wrong with these people!!?

Now, if you can’t make it down to the legislature you should at least contact your senator and representative and tell them you support these measures. It’s that kind of personal contact that sways their votes. This is important.

Biker Quote for Today

I love motorcycles because you only ride forward, away from all the crap you’ve left behind.

Photos From The 2024 Colorado Motorcycle Expo

January 29th, 2024

It was a nice day to ride to the Colorado Motorcycle Expo.

I went to the Colorado Motorcycle Expo, at the National Western Center, as I frequently do. It seemed to me it just wasn’t as much of a show as it usually is. There didn’t seem to be as many really cool bikes in the display area and whereas I usually shoot a lot of good people pictures, this time the people just didn’t seem as out there as usual. Anyway, here’s what I got.

This was a nice bike, not as gaudy as many of the show bikes.

Can’t you just hear this bike growl?

Now we’re into the real big-time show bikes. Somebody put a lot of time and effort into this.

Another beauty, with detail worth zooming in on.

OK, are you really going to ride down the street with pipes an inch off the ground? I doubt it.

Sometimes being a performer can be a lonely affair. But the show must go on so you just get up there and pretend you’re in front of a stadium full of people.

I’ve been to motorcycle shows around the country and this is really the only one that still harks back to the concept of being a swap meet. You really can buy just about any piece of a motorcycle you happen to be looking for. Although you’ll have more luck finding it if the piece you want goes on a Harley.

Leathers, leathers, boy do we have leathers. And helmets.

The Expo is also very much the place if you want patches, and they’ll sew them on right there while you wait.

Biker Quote for Today

If my bike went as fast as the money I spend on it I’d win every race.

Defensive Driving Is ALL THE TIME

January 25th, 2024

You can see how, if he had hit me a little further to the front I could have been badly hurt.

My Hyundai Elantra got totaled on Thursday, in a crash that I could have avoided if I had been driving more defensively. After all the busyness was settled I texted the guys just to give them a heads-up and Bill summed it up best: Good thing you weren’t on a motorcycle.

We know as motorcyclists that we have to be on alert all the time. All the time. And just maybe if I had been on a bike I would have seen this red-light runner coming and I would have stayed where I was until he blasted on through. Or maybe on a bike I could have cranked the throttle and gotten clear of him. But I think of myself as a seriously defensive driver/rider and this time I let myself down.

I was coming home from the grocery store and stopped at the red light on Tamarac. It turned green for me and I pulled out. An instant later I saw to my left a car coming on fast and I though “holy crap, is he going to hit me!?” He did. My first thought was of how unloud it all was, just a muffled thump rather than the sounds of shattering metal and glass. My next thought, once my car came to a stop on the other side of Tamarac, now facing in the direction I just came from, was “I am totally uninjured.”

We both got out and talked and there was no anger or recriminations on either side. I think both of us looked at it that there were zero injuries and despite everything else this was soon to lead to, all of that was seriously secondary compared to the fact that no one got hurt.

Of course, by “no one” we’re really talking me. He was never going to get hurt no matter what. His air bag deployed and that was that. But if he had hit me just a few feet further to the front of my car I could well have been on my way to the hospital or possibly the morgue.

Now, with the Colorado legislature back in session there will once again be a distracted driving bill introduced. We really need to get this passed. The first thing this guy told me was that he had no idea at all what happened. I take that to mean that he was distracted, either looking at his cell phone or doing who knows what, but he was not paying attention to driving. And you know the biggest probability was that he was looking at his phone.

Fortunately, he acknowledged to the police officer that he ran the red light. If he had claimed he did not it could have gotten messier. However, a fellow coming down Tamarac a couple blocks behind him stopped and told us he had caught it all on his dash camera and we gave him our email addresses and he sent the video to us. Watching the video he was far enough away that you can’t see much except the crash itself but then as he continues toward us, about three seconds after the crash, you can clearly see the lights for southbound Tamarac turn green. Which is to say, they were not green at the time he entered the intersection and smashed into me.

What all of this boils down to is that, especially when you’re on your motorcycle, but really, at all times, you have just got to drive or ride defensively. My friend Jungle always says that if you get in a crash it doesn’t matter what the other guy did, you were at fault because you should have been paying attention and done something to avoid it. And I could have, and I would have if I had not let my guard down this one time. One time is all it takes.

Biker Quote for Today

Do not base your safety on sheer luck.

I Made It To The Triumph Event After All

January 22nd, 2024

I was struck by how small and flimsy-looking these turn signals were, and then many people quickly noticed how one of the newly unveiled bikes already had its left front signal broken off.

It turned out that the conflict I thought I had on Friday night that would prevent me from going to this Triumph “British Invasion Tour” thing was not a conflict. So I went to the Triumph event.

It was interesting on a lot of levels. First off was just getting there. This place, Mile High Station, is directly underneath the Colfax Viaduct, on Old Colfax Avenue, and getting there is not exactly a straightforward deal. But I googled it and it turned out that if I came up I-25 and got off at 8th Avenue I could then go under the highway and take an immediate right onto Zuni and it took me straight there. Now I know.

The next thing that I had not expected was that I had to pay for parking. It cost me $11. Not thrilled about that. They could have mentioned the parking situation.

  The bikes were checked out by a lot of people. I even threw   my leg over one of them.

I went in and it was a very different motorcycle crowd than what I’m accustomed to mixing in. While there definitely were a good number of older guys the crowd was largely younger. And there were a good many women climbing on the display models looking like they were totally at home there. Good for them.

This really must have been a gathering of the Triumph faithful because there was a lot of Triumph apparel in the crowd, although there were also a few Indian shirts or jackets and one guy was wearing Aprilia. And it was a very affluent-looking crowd.

I had wondered about eating dinner before coming because the invitation touted “light refreshments and beverages.” Fortunately I did eat. The hors d’oeuvres, as it were, were being served by three young women who would come out with a platter holding about six items, which were quickly grabbed and then they would go back and in a while come out with more. This for a crowd I would put at around 200. Somehow I did manage to get one hors d’oeuvre.

And yes they had a bar but while I presumed it would be beer free but pay for anything else, nope, it was all a cash bar.

The young fellow emceeing the event came out and they showed a video of some of the new bikes and then enlisted people from the crowd to uncover the bikes that were as yet not visible. And yeah, they were nice-looking bikes for what I thought were very reasonable prices. But nothing that I’d be looking for at this time.

And then of course I had to laugh at the emcee because he really showed his youth when he spoke about the basis for this “British Invasion” theme. He talked about the early 1960s when the bands came across the Atlantic and redefined music in the U.S. Groups like “the Rolling Stones, the Doors . . . ” OK, you weren’t around back then and your history is poor. Someone really ought to tell you that the Doors were an L.A. band and they showed up in the late 1960s, not during the years of the British Invasion.

I hoped I might run into somebody I knew there but I didn’t. It really was a different crowd, I guess. But it was an interesting experience.

Biker Quote for Today

Motorcycles are the babies of men.

Check Out The New Triumphs Friday Night

January 18th, 2024

Map of stops on Triumph’s British Invasion Tour.

I don’t often devote this space to passing events but hey, it’s winter and not a lot of riding thanks to snow and ice. Besides, you might be interested. I was.

I got an email today informing me of Triumph Motorcycles America’s 20-city “British Invasion Tour.” And the first stop was set for January 9. Yikes, that’s already past. I assumed they’re coming to Denver, so when? Tomorrow. January 19. Oh my gosh.

You have to make a reservation to go but there’s no charge. While I was anticipating some kind of all day affair, in fact it is just a three-hour event, from 7 to 10 p.m. It’s being held at Mile High Station, at 2027 West Colfax. Where the heck is that?

OK, I get it. You follow that link and up at the top, next to the Mile High Station logo it has a logo for Ironworks. I get it, I know that place. It’s basically under the Colfax viaduct west of the river but east of Federal. That building has always been a beauty and I’m pleased to see it’s still there and still in use. If you’re not familiar with getting there you’ll want to look at Google Maps.

So what’s going on? Per the website:

An exclusive first look at our all-new 2024 motorcycles.

Light food
Live Music
Cash Bar

First 100 guests to arrive receive exclusive merch!

And apparently it is only the new bikes. Not a comprehensive presentation, just the new ones.

Of course I’d like to go. And wouldn’t you know it, I have a conflict, one that I really don’t want to duck out on. Dang. But maybe you can go.

Biker Quote for Today

A glorious day with a new bike.

Biker Resolutions 2024

January 15th, 2024

I know I’m going to be riding a lot so why not set some goals for myself?

I’m not a New Year’s resolution type of guy generally but there are times when I do set goals for myself in the new year. It occurred to me that there are several I have in mind for this year so yeah, let’s just call them resolutions.

For one thing, I really, really intend to put at least 1,000 miles on the CB750 this year. I shoot for that every year but I usually fail. I did succeed in 2021 and 2022 but the last time before that was 2010 and that was before I had a third bike. I’m gonna do it this year! I swear!

Success in that area may well be aided by my next resolution. I really truly have made up my mind that I want to sell the Concours and replace it with a lighter, more modern bike. What I figure is to wait until riding season and put the Kawi up for sale–and hopefully find a buyer–but not be in too big a hurry to buy the replacement. Selling at peak season is good strategy; buying is not. The end of the season is better for that, though once I’ve sold the Concours I’ll start looking for a great deal and I won’t wait if I spot one early on. But that will mean that for awhile I will have only two bikes again and that should mean more road time for the Honda.

I’ve also decided I’m done with putting off getting some expensive work done on the Honda. This bike needs a valve job, or something of that sort. As it is, as it sits, oil seeps past the valves into the cylinders and every time I start it up the first thing it has to do is burn out all that oil. That leaves me sitting in the driveway with a huge cloud of blue smoke swirling around me, hoping none of my neighbors is looking out at that moment seeing this. I don’t know exactly what is needed but I’m sure it is a simple thing for any mechanic to diagnose. And I expect it will not be cheap to fix. So be it. I’m getting the work done in 2024. And maybe while I’m at it I’ll have the cheapo, cracked windshield replaced with something nice.

My final resolution is that I will go for some rides with Judy. I know she hasn’t been on any of the bikes with me in several years now. In fact, I have a vague recollection that she has remarked that she hasn’t been on a bike since we took that trip to Banff with Willie and Jungle and crew, and that was six years ago. Is that possible? I mean, she has full riding gear, we have communicators, and she likes to ride. But she doesn’t generally suggest it; she waits for me to invite her. And I have not done that. She especially likes to hike and we like to combine the two, riding a bike to a trailhead and going hiking. That’s going to happen this year.

Now I don’t think any of those plans is unrealistic. So maybe, just maybe, I’ll get them all done. Maybe spelling it all out here will light that fire under my butt.

Biker Quote for Today

In heaven, there’s no need to wear a helmet.