September 1st, 2022

Dennis was on his new (for him) 2018 BMW R1200. It’s lowered and fits him great.

Bill texted asking if we would like to ride up to Black Hawk for lunch and Dennis and I both said yes so we met at the usual place. Bill said he was figuring on going up Golden Gate Canyon so I had a flash. Have you guys ever been on Douglas Mountain Drive, I asked. No, they hadn’t so I led them on this ride.

When I first rode this road, last year, there was a sign at the top that said “Pavement Ends.” That was the case then, but this spring some time they sort of paved almost all of it. The sign is still there but now it’s largely incorrect. I would never had considered taking Bill and Dennis on that road but this newer, more paved road seemed like something they would be OK with.

The thing is, Dennis is very short and it’s a challenge for him to reach down and plant his foot, so he hates gravel.

So we went up from Golden Gate Canyon and dropped down into Clear Creek Canyon on Douglas Mountain Drive. We got to Black Hawk and parked and I asked how they had liked that ride. Anyone else I’ve ever been with on a first ride of this road has raved about how fabulous it was or how totally cool it was or something like that.

Dennis’s response: “It was a bit rough in places.”

Bill’s response: “It was kind of challenging sometimes.”

That’s it. OK.

So just as we came into Black Hawk, as we approached our turn, my bike sputtered a little like it’s needing to go to reserve. The odometer said only 118 miles and this bike (CB750) goes to reserve generally around 140 miles. So I didn’t immediately flip the petcock. Sometimes the warning can be subtle and it was this time. But then it just died. So I flipped the petcock, fired it up again, and pulled into the parking area and shut it back off.

We had lunch and played the machines a bit, which, or course, is what people do in Black Hawk. We ended up leaving with more money than we came with but the cash was not distributed equally. Bill won as usual, but only a little. Dennis had what is for him an extremely good day. And as usual I lost. You just have to think about it as paying by the hour for this particular form of entertainment, with the small possibility you’ll actually get paid rather than be the one paying.

Bill figured to just head back down through Clear Creek Canyon but he warned us there was construction going on and we might have to stop. OK. Then, taking the lead, he pulled into the gas station just down from Black Hawk thinking I might like to fill up. I appreciated his thoughtfulness.

That worked out perfectly then. We came onto a line of traffic stopped in the canyon but had only been there about two minutes when the folks ahead of us started to move. Great. And as we passed the line waiting in the other direction I counted at least 45 cars waiting for us to get clear so they could go the other way. Meanwhile, there were only three cars behind us. Great timing.

And then back in the city, after riding in canyon/mountain comfort, the heat soared and my last 10 miles were scorched. I’m ready for this heat to go away again.

Biker Quote for Today

You know you’re a biker if Jack Daniels makes your list of “most admired people.”

Neglecting An Old Pal

August 29th, 2022

Still loving it after all these years.

I was out on my 1980 Honda CB750 Custom last week and I realized I’ve been neglecting this old friend. It’s late in August and I was only getting out on this particular bike for the first time this month. Meanwhile I’ve put a good many miles on the other two.

Not only that, I’ve already taken the V-Strom on a trip of 2,800 miles this summer and in just a couple weeks I’ll be taking the Concours on a 1,500 mile trip. Meanwhile, even after my ride the other day I’ve only put 198 miles on the Honda so far this year. If I really love this bike (and I do!) how can I ignore it like that?

You have to understand, my Honda is not just a motorcycle, it is the physical realization of one of my fondest, most ardent dreams. My dream to own a motorcycle as a teenager was thwarted by my mother and years later when I finally got the CB I was absolutely in heaven.

Then, on top of that, when Judy and I got married she came with three kids who did everything in their power for the first seven years of our marriage to make every single day a living hell. There were two weeks every year when I was not in a constant state of rage. One was the week each year when she would take the kids and they would go off on a road trip, leaving me at home, blissfully alone. The other was the OFMC trip when I was gone, out on the road on my beloved motorcycle.

I remember one day heading out of town on the Honda and throwing my head back and screaming to the skies, “I love my motorcycle!!”

Fortunately, the kids finally all moved out and after a while they even grew up and became human beings. Every one of them now has deep regrets over how they behaved and how they treated us back then. And that’s great, we get along fine. I don’t hold it against them; they’re not the same people they were back then.

Also since then, I have acquired two additional motorcycles. And honestly, although I used to always do long trips on the Honda, the other two really are better suited for that kind of thing. So the Honda sits at home. But I still love that bike. And every time I do get out on it it just reminds me how much fun it is to ride. I just need to do it more.

Biker Quote for Today

Why motorcycles are better than women: You don’t have to take a shower before riding your motorcycle.

Two Batteries, Both Claim ‘Best’

August 25th, 2022

Yeah, getting in here under the seat to push a button to jump start the bike would be a heck of an inconvenience.

I’ve had motorcycle batteries on my mind recently because one of my bikes has one that is a bit long in the tooth. I’ve had battery troubles while on the road before and I’d rather be preemptive than have to interrupt a trip with problems.

So it was with some interest that within two days I got emails, both from Adventure Rider, about two hot new batteries, both claiming to be the best ever. One is by Shorai and the other is Antigravity. I’ve never heard of either of them. So what do ya got?

Shorai says this: “Originally founded in 2010 in Sunnyvale, CA, Shorai LFX has quickly become the world’s most popular lithium iron phosphate power sports battery. Shorai LFX™ batteries deliver more energy faster, with less weight and with less wear on the battery per start cycle than any other brand or technology available on the market today.”

I figured I’d take a look at what they have for my 1999 Concours. Wrong. Their selections don’t go back to that model, so I looked at other model bikes that might use the same battery. What I came to was the Shorai LFX21A6-BS12, which listed at $245.95. OK, that’s pricey. Maybe check for a battery for the 2006 V-Strom 650.

OK, that brought me to the Shorai LFX18A1-BS12, which lists for $209.95. That’s still a bit high but I guess it depends on what you get for the money. And that’s actually kind of hard to get a handle on. Not surprisingly these lithium batteries are much lighter than their lead-acid counterparts and they claim to provide better starting power. How long will this thing last? I can’t find anything on the website that speaks to that.

And by the way, the lowest-priced battery in their line-up lists for $109.95. It gives the size specs so if that one works in the space you’ve got it might do the job. But all in all I’m not satisfied with the information provided.

As for Antigravity, they say: “THE BEST BATTERY EVER?!!!
That’s a bold statement… but we feel it holds true if you are looking for the best Starter Battery for your Motorcycle, Powersport vehicle, or even your Car. Antigravity Lithium Batteries offer a first-of-its-kind Built-In Jump Starting that will save you from being stranded; they also offer more REAL Amp Hours than competitors, which increases starting performance in cold weather and offers more overall Capacity for your Bike. Additionally, we have Heavy Duty (HD) versions for those needing even more capacity and power.”

OK, so one key thing here is their “built-in jump starting.” That is, even when the battery is theoretically dead, there is a separate compartment or reserve somewhere that holds onto enough juice to get you going so you can get out of the boonies to some place where you can get service. That could be a very handy thing.

Again, I could find nothing specified for my Concours but for the V-Strom they offer two, the ATX-12 RESTART and the ATX-12 HD RESTART, for $224.99 and $259.99, respectively.

Now here’s an interesting thing. To jump start when you’re otherwise dead you have to push a button on the battery. That’s not generally a very easy thing on most bikes so they also offer a remote device that makes it easier–at a price, of course.

They do also speak to battery life, claiming that their battery will last up to twice the life cycle of other lead acid and/or lithium batteries. And the battery comes with four posts, not two, so it will fit in your space and connect properly regardless of whether your set-up is oriented one way or the other.

So OK, maybe I’ll look into one of these Antigravity batteries. If I do you can bet I’ll have a follow-up report down the road.

Biker Quote for Today

You might be a Yuppie biker if you can’t find your oil filter.

Riding Behavior Since Covid

August 22nd, 2022

Stunt riders like this guy operate in a controlled environment. Hotshots on the street do not.

I was heading out last week on that RMMRC ride I mentioned and had only gotten as far as the collector street coming out of our neighborhood. I looked left and then pulled right, out onto Tamarac, and only seconds later a young guy on a sportbike blasted past me in the parking/bike lane on my right.

That definitely gave me a start and at first I thought I had looked but had not seen him coming along. But after zigging into the traffic lane he then zagged back into the bike lane to pass the car in front of me. So no, it probably wasn’t that I hadn’t seen him, he was probably behind the oncoming car I saw when I looked but in just a flash he had passed that guy and then was right up on me.

We continued up Tamarac and the car ahead of him stopped at a red light. The guy on the bike pulled alongside the car, using the bike lane, of course, looked both ways to see there was no cross traffic, and blasted on through the red. Another two blocks and I came up in the left-turn lane and while he sat at the red at Hampden I made my left turn. Just another of the countless examples I’ve observed where aggressive driving (or riding) gains you almost nothing.

So I headed west on Hampden and was approaching Broadway, but now, stopped two back at a red light, another young guy on another sportbike filtered his way to the front, pulling fully into the pedestrian crossing that everyone else had stopped short of. My immediate question was, is he going to blast through the red, too? He didn’t, but as soon as the light turned he screamed on ahead. And he kept doing that. Again it didn’t work very beneficially for him because by the time we got to where he turned left off Hampden I was still almost right up with him and I was just moving with traffic.

I also wrote not so long ago about coming south on Havana when a guy on a bike first went screaming past all the traffic ahead of him, using the center lane. At a red light with left-turn lanes in both directions he blasted on through the light using the turn lanes. Obviously, if anyone had been turning this would not have been possible but there weren’t and he did.

What’s with all this flagrant disregard of the traffic laws? It seems to have come on during the Covid lock-down. Back when the world had largely shut down and there was no traffic on the roads, the few people who were out found they could scream along at high speed and simply not worry about other traffic because there was no other traffic. Why wait at red lights for absolutely no other vehicles? And they liked that. Hey, who wouldn’t?

Now traffic is back to normal. But these guys are spoiled. They don’t want to give up their newfound freedom to scream down the road and ignore red lights. So they don’t.

That’s a little all right, until someone gets hurt. And really, do they think they’ll always be able to get away with it? I’m all in favor of flaunting the rules a bit as long as no innocent person pays a price. But when someone gets hurt it’s a completely different story. Maybe these guys ought to just accept that they had their moment but now that moment is past.

Biker Quote for Today

You know you’re a biker if You think black and orange would make nice house colors.

Just Chill Out

August 18th, 2022

Getting ready to ride in Morrison.

After two days of rain it seems our heat wave has been broken. That meant that Wednesday was a great day for a ride. And there were 13 riders who showed up for the RMMRC excursion who seemed to agree.

Heading out early, I felt it wise to wear a sweatshirt under my mesh jacket. I didn’t regret that, and later in the day I was actually wishing I had an additional layer. That’s how cool it was.

We gathered in Morrison and headed up Bear Creek Canyon to and through Evergreen. At the Evergreen reservoir we left the highway and continued on up the canyon on Upper Bear Creek Road to Witter Gulch Road. Then it was up, up, up till we reached the Squaw Pass road. I had to wonder how some of these new guys were doing on this very technical road as they dropped well out of sight behind me, but everyone made it to the top.

From there we turned east down to Evergreen Parkway and got separated by cars along the way. When those eight of us in front got through the traffic signal, the five behind did not. That might not have mattered but we very quickly then turned off Evergreen Parkway at CR65, which runs northwest to cross I-70 and connect with old U.S. 40 just on the eastern downslope of Floyd Hill. Gray, who was leading, had said he would stop at turns so no one would get lost but he didn’t, nor did anyone else. As the last one in the eight I did stop, but I was afraid I would not be particularly visible as the others came along.

My fear was well founded. They came roaring along and went straight on through the intersection, never even noticing me though I was waving to get their attention. I waited a few minutes to see if they had spotted me at least and would come back but no one showed so I slowly headed along, pulling over a couple times to let cars past me. Finally I sped up to try to catch the others.

The first obvious spot for the main group to wait would have been where CR65 hits U.S. 40 but they weren’t there. I deduced that it was more likely that they were heading up Floyd Hill to drop down on the other side into Clear Creek Canyon and U.S. 6. I headed that direction and there at the top they were pulled over waiting. Gene came back and asked me about the others, then passed that info along. Nothing much to now but keep going and figure they knew the destination.

So down we went into the canyon, to where U.S. 6 branches off from the Peak-to-Peak Highway and there we went toward Black Hawk just a short distance before taking the sharp right turn to take us up Douglas Mountain Drive.

This is a terrific road and now that it’s nearly completely paved, though very roughly at points, it should be a must for anyone out for some fun riding. Up and over the top and then we dropped down into Golden Gate Canyon. We turned east to come out at Golden and then on to our lunch spot. No sign there of the other guys so we went on in and got tables. Then five minutes later there they were.

Turns out, they knew they had lost us so they pulled over to confer. Bruce had a pretty good idea of the planned route so he led and they pretty much followed the same route we did. If we had stopped at some point, even for a few minutes, they probably would have caught up with us. So all was well. And what a great day for a ride! And what a good route.

Flying Objects: The Hits (And Misses) Keep On Coming

August 15th, 2022

It’s not just when you see this sign that you need to ride cautiously.

With a new riding season in full swing it is inevitable that the hits and misses of objects on or above the road keep occurring. Here are some of the latest from this Adventure Riders thread.

  • Commuting home from work. Long downhill to traffic light. I see a kid chasing a basketball down the sidewalk. He’s 25 yards behind and not gaining on it. Watching in my mirror as traffic stopped for the light. I watched as the ball bounced into the street. I didn’t even have to dismount. It rolled to where I could stop it with my right foot. I waited for the kid to catch up and flipped it to him. I damn near dropped the motorcycle on its right side.
  • Gator, this AM. I have almost hit a smaller one a while ago on a dirt road near here too. Thought it was a log laying in the road….until it scurried off into the ditch as I went by.
  • I was riding behind two cars going around 50 mph. Up ahead, about a dozen or so buzzards are feasting on road kill. The first car passes and they don’t react, second car passes and they scatter. One flies right into my windscreen, bounces up and barely misses my left shoulder. I immediately check the mirror, and see it walking dazed in the road. Tough bird.
  • Last weekend, a turkey buzzard. It was feasting on road kill. I saw it, slowed and hit the horn. It got up slowly, and flew to the right. I swerved to the left (no traffic) and could have reached out with my hand and grabbed its left wing.
  • Potatoes, near Alamosa Colorado. Big potato growing area, this was during harvest. We were following a big truck with an uncovered bed over-heaped with potatoes. It took a turn too fast and bushels of potatoes spilled out in front of my husband. You wouldn’t think potatoes bounce like ping pong balls, they do. Then they roll around on the ground attacking your tires. At the same time others are exiting the truck and whizzing through the air at you like rocks. He didn’t go down.
  • For me, riding my cbr929 on I-40 through Albuquerque. Major cross-country trucking route. I was hemmed in by semi’s on both sides. The pick-up in front of me straddled a big box lying on the pavement, like from a dishwasher or washing machine. Of course it pops suddenly into my view as the truck passed over it. Nowhere to go to avoid it. The turbulence of the truck passing over it made the box lift off the ground and open like a box kite. I ducked as it soared over my left shoulder. I suppose it hit the car behind me. This all took maybe 4-5 seconds.
  • Minding my own business on my F800GSA a few years ago, following (about 20′ back) a large box truck down a nice, twisty back road. All of a sudden I hear a loud snap, see a flash of light to my left, and a telephone pole goes sailing over my head!! The box truck caught the low hanging power lines and snapped off the pole, sending it flying and dragging it down the road.
  • Many moons ago, following a cage at about 50mph along a remote 2-lane I knew well and after dark with no street lights, cage crossed one set of RR tracks with nary a bobble. I followed 10 secs later in the middle of the lane. My meager headlight barely picked up the pothole between the rails. Pothole was clean down to the ties and from rail to rail. Width was maybe 4-5 feet wide. The cage prolly never knew it was there and easily straddled it. I was on it with just enough time to see it and snap the throttle wide open. I was out of the saddle by the time the front wheel hit the far rail. The whang was tremendous. Everything from my hands/wrists to the middle of my back hurt bad. I didn’t crash but wobbled onward slowing to pull onto the shoulder of the road.
  • While braking ordinarily for an ordinary traffic light, my front wheel rolled onto an ordinary flattened pop can. The pop can began to slide and the front end began to wash away. Managed to get off the front brake and lose the can to regain traction and braking.
  • The first time I took my wife for a ride (her first time on a motorcycle) an oncoming pickup’s hood flew off and went right over our heads.

Yeah, OK. That all goes under the heading of “glad it wasn’t me.” Keep your eyes open so it isn’t you the next time it might be.

Biker Quote for Today

What kind of a bike does a cow love riding? A cow rides a Cowasaki Mootorcycle.

Seeking The Land Of Cool

August 11th, 2022

At the turn-off to Turkey Creek Road.

Getting away from the heat was the idea. The heat this summer has been brutal. Judy and I lucked out in taking a two week trip to the Pacific Northwest in the middle of all this. We never expected it when we planned the trip months ago. For two weeks our decision each time we went out was do we need just two layers or do we need three?

But yesterday, as I say, the idea was to get away from the heat. So I got on the Concours and headed for the hills.

Of course, the thing about living in southeast Denver is that to get to the hills you have to ride through the city for 20 minutes. It’s OK as long as you’re moving but when you stop at a traffic light you’re hit by the full glare of the blazing sun and sitting atop scorching hot asphalt that radiates hell back at you.

I finally made it out to Deer Creek Canyon. Of all the canyons leading out of the metro area into the hills, this one is one that I have ridden the least. And it’s really nice, especially at times like this when there was almost zero traffic. Time for a nice cruise.

At Turkey Creek Road I turned left to head up toward Aspen Park. Again, I’ve been on this road more than a couple of times but really not that often. It’s easy to forget how nice some roads are, and a delight to have that fact brought back to you graphically.

From Aspen Park I turned north on CR73, which winds its way up to Evergreen. At this point I was thinking an ice cream stop would be nice. I turned east on CO 74 to cruise through town but didn’t see anything so I didn’t stop. I had been thinking of doing a longer ride but now I was headed back down already so I was even more on the lookout for a reason to stop. I didn’t see one but I did have one of those “is this really going to happen?” moments as I approached the entrance to Red Rocks just outside of Morrison. I was cruising along, plainly visible, and as I approached the intersection the car waiting there started to pull out. Really?

I thumbed for my horn but hit my turn-signal cancel button instead but the guy finally did see me and slammed on his brakes. I didn’t stop in Morrison for ice cream either so I headed on back home. Another 20 minutes or so of cooking at stop lights and then relief. I had ice cream at home.

So what’s this deal with riding in all this heat? I was talking to Roy the other day and asking about what was supposed to have been a regular weekly RMMRC ride every Wednesday morning. It hasn’t been happening. One of the reasons Roy mentioned was that it has been so hot. And I know that before Judy and I went on our trip I had hardly been on any of the bikes because every time I considered it I decided not to . . . because it was so hot.

And that was another thing. Because of that, I hadn’t been on any bike at all in more than a month. And oddly, when that happens I start to forget why I ride. Then I ride again and I say oh yeah, I love this, why haven’t I been doing this more? It’s like a friend told me once about him and his wife. They were at the point where they were having sex just once a month or so but every time they would do it she would remark how she had forgotten how much she enjoys it. His response (to me, at least) was yeah, so maybe if you wouldn’t always forget from one time to the next we could do this more often. But somehow you do start to forget as time goes by.

But, you know, as far as the heat goes, once you get out of the city and into the hills it’s actually pretty darn nice. I think we all need to just bite the bullet and say yes, I’m going to roast for a few minutes, but then it will all get better. And burn some dinosaurs, by god!

Biker Quote for Today

Why motorcycles are better than women: Motorcycles don’t snore.

Riding Mount Rainier

August 8th, 2022

Primo parking for motorcycles at Mount Rainier.

Yes, Judy and I were up on Mount Rainier just a couple weeks ago; no, we weren’t on a bike. Not that it wasn’t very much in my thoughts. And there were plenty of people who were there on their bikes. Astride a motorcycle has got to be the best way to see this mountain. But of course, that’s true of just about any mountain, isn’t it?

Whatever. I just wanted to pass along some of what I observed regarding bikes and the mountain.

The roads up and around Mount Rainier are just what you would suppose: rising and falling, twisting and turning, with a lot of great views. This is one way a bike would be best. Some of the best views are from places where there is nowhere for a car to stop. But a motorcycle can slip into tiny spaces and be perfectly safe and out of traffic.

And when you get up to the best places, with a car you run into what has become the norm at many of the nicest parks: crowding and nowhere to park. Not a problem with a motorcycle. The entire lot may be full but they have motorcycle parking in the choicest spots and it is never so full you can’t get one more bike in there.

The photo above was taken at the Paradise area, which is the number one spot on the hill. We were creeping along into the parking area with people going all the way down one lane, back another, and then down a third trying to find a place for a car. While we waited our turn for this a guy came in on a bike, drove right past us all, and parked without any problem at all. Envious? You bet.

Everywhere we went on this trip there were lots of bikes. The mountains, the seashores, the cities. And that’s another advantage the bikes have. We took the ferry from Port Angeles, Washington, over to Victoria, British Columbia, and as we waited to board, the arriving ferry poured out its contents. And who came racing out first? The motorcycles, of course. Those guys go right to the head of the line, get on the ferry first, and then are first off.

And we ran into a rally on the Olympic peninsula. We spent three nights at Pacific Beach and there were a surprising number of bikes there. One of those days we drove down to Ocean Shores and holy smokes, there were bikes everywhere. Sure enough, a rally. Our whole time in the Pacific Northwest we saw almost entirely bikers who were fully geared up, which makes sense. You should always be ready for rain. But these rally goers were the exception. They were dressed just like your usual Harley folks anywhere else in the country. And hey, there wasn’t any rain, so they were cool.

I’ve been all over the west on a motorcycle with the exception of Oregon and Washington. Some day I’m going to rectify that omission.

Biker Quote for Today

Ride without a destination and you’ll finally see what freedom can be.