Sell This URL?
October 19th, 2023This came out of the blue. Per the email above, somebody wants to buy this domain name, They have made an initial offer of $500. Do I have any interest in this?
Right off the bat I said no.
Thanks, but I’m not interested in selling.
I got a follow-up:
Hi Ken,
Thanks for the response – it’s greatly appreciated.
All domain names are for sale at a certain price, even if it’s at a much higher price than the initial offer.
Can you think about this and let me know a dollar amount that would make sense for you?
Now, the simple fact is that this website is something I care a great deal about. I have worked on it for more than 15 years and writing this blog is my number one creative outlet. OK, along with my piano. But I wondered, and asked for clarification.
You know, this could depend. Is the buyer interested in the site or just the URL? Because if I could just move the site to a new URL and keep it going I might be willing to sell the URL, though the price would have to be enough to compensate me for all the work that moving it and getting it established with the search engines would entail. If, on the other hand, they want the site, first, that’s flattering, second, I really don’t want to let go of it.
And this was the response.
Hi Ken,
Thank you for the response – it’s greatly appreciated.
This would be strictly for the purchase of the MOTORCYCLECOLORADO.COM domain name, you would still have the website content to operate on a different domain name if you’d like.
Can you let me know a counter offer that you would consider?
That latest email came about three and one-half hours ago as I write this. So it becomes something I have to actually think about; if they wanted the whole site it wouldn’t take any thought.
What would it entail? First I’d have to select a new URL. That could be easy–I could just go with I checked just now and it is available. But that’s just getting started. You can put up a site but people have to know about it to visit. When I built this site I spent a lot of time and effort building up recognition of its existence. One way that happens is to get links to your site on other sites. All those links out there now would be broken, except for the home page, which would take the visitor to a totally different site.
Then there would be the edits needed on every single page of the site. And all the links internally. It overwhelms me just to think about it.
Really, I think that’s my answer. I have often said that I write in order to understand what I’m thinking. Writing, for me, is an exploration of my thoughts. And just laying this out here for you has persuaded me that I have to say no. I mean, sure, if they offered me $50,000 for the URL I could take it and just pay someone else to do all the drudge work. But I don’t think they’re going to offer $50,000. And I just don’t want to do all that work.
So my decision is made. Thanks for lending me your ear.
Biker Quote for Today
Life isn’t about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself.