Memorable Observances
November 16th, 2023Like you, I would assume, when a motorcycle goes by I look at it. That leads me to occasionally see some things that are unusual and interesting.
I recently saw this guy on a Harley Sportster. Nothing unusual there, but his riding style was unlike any I had seen before.
We were in a parking lot with several speed bumps. We all know Harleys are bikes you sit back on, with your feet up ahead on the pegs. There’s not a lot of cushion going over bumps so you take it easy. Now, on a bike with the pegs beneath you you can just stand up on the pegs and let your legs be the shock absorbers. Not so on bikes with your feet way out there.
This guy was riding like he was on a different bike. He was standing up on the pegs, which meant leaning way out over the front of the bike. And he did it just fine. But I’ve never seen that before.
Then there was the evening when I was sitting in a restaurant, by the front window. Looking out I saw a guy on a Moto Guzzi pull up and park. Then, holding onto only the left grip, he put his foot on the center stand lever and just rocked that baby up onto the stand. Just that easy.
I don’t know about you but all three of my bikes have center stands and on all three I hold the left grip with my left hand, grip the frame of the bike securely toward the rear, and then put my foot–and then my entire weight–on the center stand lever and hoist it with a hearty pull up onto the stand. To just hold the grip and step on the lever is not an option. Do Guzzis really not weigh much? I was pretty surprised.
A few days ago I was heading down the road and I heard the high whine of a sportbike behind me and to the left and sure enough here came the bike at fairly high speed coming past me in the next lane. Then there was a louder roar and I saw behind the bike some mega-expensive sport car. The guy in the car apparently wanted to run. The bike pulled over out of his way and the car driver hit the gas. Then the bike pulled back in behind him and he hit the gas, too. You want to run? I’ll run with you. Let’s go. And they both went. Quickly.
Just a few fun things I’ve seen recently.
Biker Quote for Today
I love looking into those beautiful eyes of my bike.