Archive for the ‘motorcycle humor’ Category

And What Did You Hit/Almost Hit Today My Dear?

Monday, February 24th, 2025

Taking a back road in Utah.

I’ve been drawing from this Adventure Rider thread when it’s this slow time of year for a long time but this may be the last time. The most recent entry was in April of 2023 so it seems to have died. So here are perhaps the last of the what is the strangest thing you’ve ever hit:

  • I caught a pheasant in my left shoulder once while straightening the bike up after exiting from an aggressive S-curve. The subsequent explosion damn near took me off the bike. (Felt like a bowling ball.) Then I noticed I couldn’t see, and my face was very warm. Many feathers, and much blood, came into my full-face around my chin. I stopped and tried to figure some things out, and decided to proceed to a convenience store in the next town. When I walked in to find the bathroom the crowd stopped and stared at me. The lady behind the counter asked me if I was OK, and if I’d been shot. One look in the bathroom mirror and I understood why she asked that.
  • Taking a trip across the US on a Suzuki T500 in the mid 70s, somewhere in the UT dez doing about 80mph and the road goes on forever, pretty much straight but lots of rollers. Come over a rise and see a buzzard in my lane feeding on something and he has the easy choice of going right or left to get away but he goes off in the direction I’m going. He’s taking off, so not going very fast, I’m doing 80, very fast and I hit him directly with the front of my fairing (he covers the whole thing), he rolls over to the right and glances off my shoulder. I didn’t go down or get hurt but it bent my fairing back so I pulled over to survey the damage. Looking back I saw him flying away, slowly with a great story to tell his friends.
  • Hit by, as opposed to run into. An attacking Barn Owl. I don’t know why, but apparently it thought my white helmet was dinner. It was night, and I saw it half a second before it hit. The classic flared pose, talons out, wide spread.
  • I was taking my soon to be wife on her second ever (at 46) motorcycle ride down a 2 lane road.As we met a square body pick up truck his hood flew off an sailed right over our heads with inches to spare.
  • I had a Canada goose fly into the right side of my Super Tenere a couple of days ago. It didn’t kill him but literally knocked the @&%# out of him all over the right front panel of the bike.
  • Was in middle-of-nowhere West Texas windmill country on my TW200 headed for Utah last spring. Doing about 35 on a gravel road at dusk and top a small rise to see a herd of 20 or so wild/feral pigs running across the road. Handful of drum brake slowed me down enough to tap the slowest one on the rump and send him into a barrel roll while thankfully barely altering my trajectory.
  • My riding buddy on his way to Sturgis somehow missed a cinder block that was in the road with his front wheel but couldn’t/didn’t with his rear wheel. He blew out his tire and destroyed the wheel but managed to keep it upright.

There you have it. Just one more reminder to be careful out there.

Biker Quote for Today

You start with a full bag of luck and an empty bag of experience. The trick is to fill the bag of experience before you empty the bag of luck.

A Return To Stupid Questions

Thursday, May 2nd, 2024

Bike Week in Daytona.

I haven’t gone after this thread in a while: What stupid things do people ask you when you’re on your motorcycle? Let’s dig in.

  • A guy in a weird car with lights and stuff, stops me and asks: Do you know how fast you were going?
  • The other day in a shopping center parking lot, a guy asks me if that is my bike. As I’m mounting up, I say “no…but it’s about to be.”
  • A few years ago, I was refueling in West Yellowstone on a bleak, 45° very rainy day. Across the pump island, was the father of a bunch gassing up the family minivan. The Dodge was literally rocking from all the kids jumping around inside. Mr. Griswold looked over at me, kinda smirked and said, “I’ll bet you’d like to trade with me right now.” I smiled and said, “Let me ask you: Has every day of your marriage been like your honeymoon?” He thought for a second and replied, “I get it.”
  • When people ask me how fast my bike can go, I usually say, “I don’t know.” People don’t really know how to respond, so they just look at me. Sometimes they’ll ask me in a condescending tone how I don’t know, then I’ll tell them, “I may be slow, but I’m alive.”
  • Situation: It’s getting toward dusk/dinner time, and has begun to rain. Q: “How are you going to get home?!?” A: “I put on my pants, jacket, helmet, gloves, turn the key, start the engine, then start my normal riding onto the road from the parking lot, and take the way I normally take. Its really quite simple.” Questioner: “Huh?”
  • A few years back I was riding with 2 buddies in the Texas Hill County. As we approached a town we slowed down. Unfortunately not enough as the cop clocked us at 101. Another mph and we would have been arrested. The stupid question came when the cop asked how fast the bikes could go. Given the situation we declined to answer.
  • I usually leave my helmet on when I ride the elevator on my way to work, to free up my hands and not bang it into the sides of the crowded elevator. So this guy says “You ride your motorcycle to work today?” and I said “No, just being real safe in my truck!”
  • Many moons ago while on a Suzuki a guy walks by and says, wow, I didn’t know Suzuki used the same motors as Kawasaki’s, looking puzzled I assured him that they each made their own power plants, he said no they both use motors made by “Dohock,” as he pointed to the DOHC cast into the end cover.
  • I was asked the dreaded “Sir, do you know why I pulled you over?” by an LAPD motor officer. I had been making way too good of time down a mid morning freeway (about 90 indicated) and I actually laughed and said “I sure do.” Ended up with a warning and a nice conversation with a fellow rider.
  • Q: “Did you drive them all the way from Germany?” A: “Yes, but we had to change the water tires in New York.”

People say there are no stupid questions. I’m not so sure.

Biker Quote for Today

“Animals travel on all fours. Mankind on two. Motorcycling is not a means of transport but an ideology, a nomadic way of life.” -– Amit Reddy

Are There No Stupid Questions?

Thursday, March 9th, 2023

Aren’t you going to get wet going through that water?

In a lot of instances you’ll hear that there are no stupid questions and that’s because it’s not stupid to ask if you don’t understand. At times, though, the answer seems so obvious that you do have to wonder. Adventure Rider has a thread for people to post the stupid questions they have been asked and I’ve dipped into it before. Here are some more.

  • The one I seem to get most often is: “Nice bike, who makes KTM?” At first I tried to explain it to people. Now I just tell them KTM is my initials and that I put it together in my garage.
  • At the end of August, I was on a group ride in the Gorge with about 6 other guys, all dressed in various types of MC gear. It is a blazing summer day, 95+ degrees. We stop for ice cream at Cascade Locks. I’m trying to take a group pic when a woman comes up, points at my day-glo yellow mesh jacket and asks in an incredulous tone: “Have you boys been skiing?”
  • The Kawi Voyager XII has louvers in the lowers and of course the question is ” Does that have A/C?” “Yes it does, A/C in the winter and heat in the summer.” Some get it, others, not so much.
  • A cute little blond girlie with large mammaries, sidles up to me as I was donning my gear after quaffing a cold beer and asks “Would you take me for a ride on your bike?” Duh!
  • Had a girl ask me not long ago how i was able to get my pipes such a pretty blue color!
  • “Alberta, what state is that in?”
  • Can’t tell you how many times I have just gotten off my bike (I’m wearing my one-piece Aerostich) during the summer months and somebody just has to ask: “Are you cold?” Standard answer: “I’m freezing, aren’t you?”
  • Him: That run OK? Me: You didn’t see me push it here now did you?
  • Lady: what’s that wire for coming out of your jacket? (electric vest) Wise-ass answer: that’s a booster for my pacemaker.
  • Dumbest thing was a 20ish year old guy’s comments at a gas station. He looks at my boxer and says, “must be fast with 2 big ‘motors’ like that.”

OK, what’s your vote? Are there stupid questions or not?

Biker Quote for Today

What kind of a motorcycle does a pirate ride? An Arrrrley Davidson.

What Stupid Questions Have You Been Asked?

Thursday, September 15th, 2022

No, you wouldn’t get any questions if you were on this . . . would you? But you’d get good gas mileage.

It’s been quite awhile since I looked at this thread on Adventure Riders but it’s worth checking out now and then. The topic is, what stupid questions have people asked you on your bike?

  • The steer horns I have on the front of my bike have gotten some nice questions that seem to be rather consistent by region. Texas/Louisiana: ”that’s from a hunt you went on right?” New England: ”is that in case you run into any animals at night?”
  • You ride that all the way here? Yep, it’s too heavy to push.
  • I ride a KTM 950 SM. when asked “what kind of bike is that?” I reply, “it is a KTM.” their reply, “Oh, I had a Kawasaki when I was younger…”
  • When people ask me how fast it is I tell them I’ve had it to about 195. And most of the time they believe it.
  • When I turned 16 and got my license, my dad let me ride his (then) R1100S up to the beach. I pulled into the motorcycle parking and took my helmet off, only to have a 21-year old on a CBR come up and ask “What are those things sticking out from the engine? Are they superchargers?”
    I was dumbstruck until he pointed to the cylinders. When I told him that it was an opposed twin, a.k.a boxer engine, he told me I didn’t know what I was talking about and told his girlfriend that they were superchargers. She just laughed at him because of the face I made when he asked me.
  • OP: Why’s your bike so dirty?
    Me: Because I like riding it in the dirt.
    OP: Yea, I get that, but why don’t you wash it?
    Me: I do sometimes, but then it just gets dirty again, so why bother?
  • I was running late Monday night so I walked into class ATGATT (‘stich, boots, helmet in hand, etc.) At the end of the class, the guy next to me asks, “Schwinn or Huffy?”
  • My fav “goin’ ridin’?” to which I reply “nope, Im taking a trip to the moon”
  • At the grocery store, I usually get (whenever I’m ATG), “so, you’re on a bike, ‘eh??” And I usually respond with…” Nope…gonna get shot out of a cannon…..again!”
  • While wearing my Olympia mesh 1-piece during the Summer I often run out for errands at lunch and keep it on while I run in for a sandwich or at the farm stand. I often get asked if I fly a plane or if I’m in the military. Sometimes I get asked if I was skiing – yep that’s right…I’m skiing in 92 degree weather in NJ in July 150 miles from the nearest hill!

I know I’m dating myself here but Art Linkletter used to have a section on his show called “Kids Say the Darnedest Things.” You know what? People say the darnedest things. And there’s your proof.

Biker Quote for Today

Why motorcycles are better than women: You don’t have to convince your motorcycle that you’re a motorcyclist and that you think that motorcycles are equals.

More Stupid Questions

Monday, May 9th, 2022

Heading up Mount Evans.

ADV has an ongoing thread I like to dip into at times, asking what the most stupid question you’ve been asked while on your motorcycle. Here are a few more.

  • I was once at the Slickrock trailhead in Moab & a Valley Girl asked me: “Do those dirt bikes work on the rock?”
  • Again today after having ridden to work I got “Did you ride your bike today” (me with full gear on walking into the building carrying my helmet). I finally cracked and said, “Nope… I’m just REEEEEEEEEALLY careful when I drive.”
  • I swear to God, I get this all the time when I pull up on my KLX covered with mud, knobbies and all: “Is that a dirt bike?”
  • I stopped by a huge dealership one day to grab something on the way home, still in my one piece leathers, carrying a helmet, and some sales guy asked me if I had a bike. How do you even justify that with a response?
  • Not stupid… but about five years ago my buddies and I (sportbikes, full leathers, you know the look) were having breakfast at an IHOP before going on a Sunday ride. As we were getting up to leave, a little boy, maybe about 4 years old, walks right up to one of my buds and goes, “mister, are you a Power Ranger?” I just about died laughing on that one.
  • My son used to ride with me and he always wore his helmet into the store he was so pleased to be on the back of a bike. Cashier asked him if he was on a m/c. He said no, I fall down a lot. I was SO proud of him!!
  • I was at a local motorcycle shop, and a prospective rider was asking about the different brands of bikes. I was looking though the tires on the rack, minding my own business, when I heard the prospective rider ask the shop employee, “KTM, hmmm, where are those made?”
    “Australia” he responded… I couldn’t take it, so I respectfully interjected:
    “Actually, they are made in Austria.”
    “Really,” the shop employee said, “I thought they were made in Europe.” He was being genuine.
    Geography, without it, you’re nowhere!
  • I get to work one very cold day, a girl asks me as I walk into the office with all my gear still on,” did you ride your motorcycle today? ” I replied, no way it’s to cold, so I pushed it in!
  • A couple months ago I broke my collarbone. I must have had 10 people ask me “were you wearing a helmet?”
  • I get strange looks at stoplights when on my bike but I guess it’s because I have a yellow mohawk on my helmet. I had one woman roll down her window and ask why I had it. I told her that it was for safety. She gave me a strange look and I explained that since she put down her cell phone and looked at me – in disgust – that it had served its purpose. You don’t have to like it, but you do see it. Haven’t had anyone pull out in front of me while I’ve had the mohawk on. I take it off when going to see customers because I want to give a more professional appearance – as best as I can while riding an old school bright yellow superbike.

Biker Quote for Today

I’m not speeding, I’m qualifying.

Some Favorite Biker Quotes

Thursday, April 28th, 2022

Racing at Vintage Motorcycle Days a few years ago.

I admit that I’m sitting here today needing to get a Thursday post up but I have no ideas. So this will be a bit of a re-hash but I hope you don’t mind. I’ve been putting out blog posts regularly for more than 10 years and almost from the very beginning I have included a Biker Quote for Today. Here are some all time goodies.

The only thing better than a motorcycle is two motorcycles.

Happiness isn’t around the corner, it is the corner.

“I don’t feel like going for a ride today.” — said no motorcycle rider ever

Dirt bikes are not for wimps. They are, however, quite suitable for the clinically insane.

Helmet not wore when go ride, and no damaging so far brain yet!

The shortest distance between two points is for people who can’t ride.

“But officer, bikes fall over if they aren’t going fast.”

Love is the feeling you get when you like something as much as your motorcycle. Have you ever been in love?

To ride or not to ride? That is a stupid question.

People tell me I have a motorcycle problem. I tell them, I may have problems, but motorcycles are the solution.

Must work to afford Bikethings.

Don’t stop riding until you get to the crash; you might save it!

Adventure is what happens when you thought you were going to have a good time.

I have no idea where we are, but at least it’s getting dark.

It’s our job. Burnin’ gasoline, killin’ bugs, and wearing out tires!

I don’t ride because I have a death wish, I ride because I wish to live.

MOTORCYCLES: created to keep us from choking the idiots around us.

Don’t let my motorcycle ride interfere with the safety of your phone call.

Time spent on a motorcycle is not deducted from your lifespan.

OK. I hope you got a grin or two out of that. Now here’s the latest one for today.

Biker Quote for Today

You might be a Yuppie biker if you stop 30 miles from Sturgis to unload your bike so you can ride in.

What Stupid Question Have You Been Asked?

Thursday, April 29th, 2021

Just out for some fun.

It turns out that I have drawn from this Adventure Rider thread more recently than I remembered. Oh well, there’s a lot more where this came from. The idea is, what stupid questions have people asked you when you’re on your bike and stop somewhere? Here are some of them.

  • Who makes Triumph? (I get this one a lot at gas stations).
  • Stupid woman: “Motorcycles are dangerous!”
    Me: “Don’t you mean ‘riding motorcycles is dangerous’?”
    SW: “Yes.”
    Me: “Most people die in bed. So, where do you sleep?”
  • In ’64 my buddy and I rolled up to the ranger’s hut at the Wildrose Station entrance to Death Valley on a pair of Vespa 125s on our way from San Jose to the Grand Canyon. Hard to mistake those Vespas – floor board / fairing front end with “VESPA” in big letters. The ranger leans out and comments,
    “Hondas, huh? How do they take the hills?”
  • Got the Classic again last week.
    Nitwit “What is that?”
    Me “KTM 950 Adventure”
    Nitwit “Who makes it?”
    Me “KTM”
    Nitwit “Oh Its a Kawasaki”
    Me “Uhm,,,,,, Yeah”
    Pulled my helmet on and rode away laughing
  • Stopped at a stop light in ATGATT. Crotch Rocket Guy pulls up next to me in T-shirt, shorts, and sneaks.
    CRG: “Planning on falling down?”
    Me: “Nope. Planning on getting up if I do.”
  • Had a girl ask me not long ago how I was able to get my pipes such a pretty blue color!
  • Riding to work each day in winter, other employees getting out of their cars in the parking lot without coats or jackets would ask me, “Aren’t you cold?”
    Nope, I’m the one with the warm coat.
  • The receptionist has asked me if it’s hard to keep the motorcycle upright and if I can go as fast as a car.
  • I stopped at a deli the other day and this woman looked at my jacket & boots and asked me if I was going skiing.
  • A guy walks up from the rear of the bike and asks “How far of a trip are you on this time” I am less than 5 miles from the house, no luggage, tank bag, or anything strapped down on the tail rack, and I have Indiana plates on the bike in Indiana.
  • Does that jacket make you hot?
    Nawww… but my wife thinks it does.

Biker Quote for Today

You know you’re a biker if you own more black T-shirts then underwear.

A Little Humor

Thursday, January 21st, 2021

Not a whole lot going on at this time of year, and not a whole lot of riding, either. So I’ll make this short and just pass along a video Jerry Pokorny sent out.

Biker Quote for Today

Why motorcycles are better than women: You can choke your motorcycle.