Are There No Stupid Questions?

Aren’t you going to get wet going through that water?

In a lot of instances you’ll hear that there are no stupid questions and that’s because it’s not stupid to ask if you don’t understand. At times, though, the answer seems so obvious that you do have to wonder. Adventure Rider has a thread for people to post the stupid questions they have been asked and I’ve dipped into it before. Here are some more.

  • The one I seem to get most often is: “Nice bike, who makes KTM?” At first I tried to explain it to people. Now I just tell them KTM is my initials and that I put it together in my garage.
  • At the end of August, I was on a group ride in the Gorge with about 6 other guys, all dressed in various types of MC gear. It is a blazing summer day, 95+ degrees. We stop for ice cream at Cascade Locks. I’m trying to take a group pic when a woman comes up, points at my day-glo yellow mesh jacket and asks in an incredulous tone: “Have you boys been skiing?”
  • The Kawi Voyager XII has louvers in the lowers and of course the question is ” Does that have A/C?” “Yes it does, A/C in the winter and heat in the summer.” Some get it, others, not so much.
  • A cute little blond girlie with large mammaries, sidles up to me as I was donning my gear after quaffing a cold beer and asks “Would you take me for a ride on your bike?” Duh!
  • Had a girl ask me not long ago how i was able to get my pipes such a pretty blue color!
  • “Alberta, what state is that in?”
  • Can’t tell you how many times I have just gotten off my bike (I’m wearing my one-piece Aerostich) during the summer months and somebody just has to ask: “Are you cold?” Standard answer: “I’m freezing, aren’t you?”
  • Him: That run OK? Me: You didn’t see me push it here now did you?
  • Lady: what’s that wire for coming out of your jacket? (electric vest) Wise-ass answer: that’s a booster for my pacemaker.
  • Dumbest thing was a 20ish year old guy’s comments at a gas station. He looks at my boxer and says, “must be fast with 2 big ‘motors’ like that.”

OK, what’s your vote? Are there stupid questions or not?

Biker Quote for Today

What kind of a motorcycle does a pirate ride? An Arrrrley Davidson.

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