You’ve Got To Watch This

I don’t often post links to videos here but when I do it seems they almost always come to me from Jerry Pokorny. How Jerry finds these I don’t know. Maybe he spends a large part of his life going down the rabbit holes of YouTube.

Whatever. Anyway, this thing is a movie shot pretty crudely in about 1970 about a group of guys on small (300cc?) bikes taking off from Denver and riding down to the Panama Canal. They’re not all adept at handling a motorcycle, at least not in the beginning. Helmets and eye protection are strictly optional, as is clothing at times. Who needs roads–let’s go cross-country.

The thing that’s so crazy about it is that this is how things were back in that time. It’s a world so foreign to us now that it’s a shock to realize this is how it used to be.

Now, it’s on YouTube and it’s broken into six 14-minute segments, plus the final 5-minute finale, so it will take a little of your time but it’s worth it. Enjoy.

Biker Quote for Today

A newlywed man was in the garage working on his motorcycle. His new wife came out of the house and watched him work for a few minutes before saying, “Now that we are married, you should probably sell that motorcycle.”
The man’s face went pale and he looked as if he might throw up.
“Are you okay? Whats the matter?” begged his wife.
He managed to get control of himself. “For a minute there, you sounded like my ex-wife.”
“Your ex-wife?” the woman exclaimed. “You never told me that you were married before!”
“I wasn’t,” he said.


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