Posts Tagged ‘Yamaha Niken’

My Future On Two Wheels

Thursday, February 20th, 2020
Piaggio MP3

The MP3 I test rode several years ago.

February 1 and 2 were good days to ride so I did. I took my Honda out of what we call the workshop and when I came back I rolled the Kawi out so I could put the Honda in first. That put the Kawi in position to come out easily so I could ride it next time. The V-Strom lives in the garage so I end up moving cars to get it in and out.

While I was doing all this shuffling of bikes, pushing them around, rocking them back onto their center stands, it struck me that these are heavy machines. I realized that at some point, still quite a few years down the line, fortunately, there is likely to come a time when I won’t physically be able to do it anymore. I’m healthy as a horse now, but inevitably there will come a time when I’m old and frail. What am I going to do then?

It was interesting that the answer presented itself immediately. I’ll switch to a scooter.

That’s not the only possible answer to that question. For a lot of people the answer is a trike. I know a lot of people who ride trikes now, and several of my riding buddies have spoken from time to time of switching to a trike when it becomes an issue. But I don’t like trikes; they steer like cars. They don’t lean. About the only way that they’re like motorcycles is that you’re out in the open. But heck, I could get that with a convertible and it would be almost the same thing, and a lot more versatile.

One three-wheeler that I might consider would be a Piaggio MP3. Like the Can-Am Spyder, they have two wheels in front and one in the rear, but the front end is totally different, and unique to Piaggio. On an MP3 the two front wheels work like one and you do actually lean. Don’t ask me to explain it, it’s a sophisticated design, but I rode one once and it was very nice. Then of course there are several other newer bikes like the Yamaha Niken that I’ve read good things about, although the Niken is said to be pretty darn heavy itself, what with a double fork up front.

No, I figure a scooter will be the way to go. First off, they’re light, but they can be pretty powerful. During the week I scooted everywhere a few years ago I spoke with a scooterist who told me he could easily hit 90 mph on his 250cc ride. I doubt I’ll need more speed than that when I’m 85. Even now, the speedometer on my Honda CB750 –an old bike–tops out at 85 mph.

Of course, there could be another alternative by that time. Electric motorcycles are getting better all the time and the ones that are out there now are light. They have to be in order to get any good distance on today’s batteries, but I’m betting that in 20 or 30 years you’ll be able to buy a great electric bike that is comparable to an 800cc motorcycle of today and it will weigh half of what my 750cc Honda weighs.

Nope. I can see me possibly owning a number of different bikes sooner or later, but I just don’t see a trike in my future. And I do hope to be riding in my 90s.

Biker Quote for Today

Why bikes are better than women: Wearing two fresh rubbers makes riding a bike MORE enjoyable.