Posts Tagged ‘Randy Ride’

Demise Of District 10

Thursday, November 1st, 2018
ABATE D-10 patch

My ABATE D-10 patch.

District 10 of ABATE of Colorado is no more. This is the district I have been part of since I joined. I am now part of District 17.

It’s a sad situation. When I joined ABATE and District 10, D-10 was the largest, most active district in the state. What happened?

As usual, even though I was right there I was out of the loop. I’m never on the grapevine, never in touch with undercurrents. This is how it has been my whole life. I’m not sure why.

So I asked about this at the D-10 meeting in September. Why did membership drop off so precipitously?

The story, at least what I get from the folks who stayed with D-10, is that many of the old group were wedded to the Frontier Club, out on East Colfax, where we used to meet. Coming to ABATE on Sunday morning was just an opportunity to get an early start on Sunday’s drinking.

Meanwhile, there were other members who were uncomfortable with meeting at a bar, and drinking early in the day, when we were supposedly an organization that promoted responsible riding. There were enough of these to vote to move the meetings to a different place and the other folks stayed behind.

Again, this is what I get from the folks who stayed with D-10. If anyone from the other group wants to fill me in on their perspective, please do.

Additionally, there were conflicts about use of money raised through fund-raising efforts. When I joined ABATE, Randy Savely was the state rep for D-10. Randy had lost a leg when a car turned in front of him, and the Randy Ride had been created to raise money for other riders who had been hurt.

Now, the Randy Run was an ABATE function and so ABATE’s rules needed to apply to the money it raised. But, I am told, the core group focused on the Randy Run felt they should be able to use that money as they saw fit. Obviously this led to conflict and that group decided to go off on its own, taking the Randy Run with them.

And so D-10 shrank to where at most meetings there would be six people. The district had six officers so every one of us was an officer and at every meeting it was the same group of faces. More importantly, there were only those six to organize and carry off any events we chose to host. That’s a lot of work for just a few people. And to be honest, I was generally not one of those doing the work. I’ve never gotten into doing the grunt work, opting instead to do my part helping publicize the events the rest of them organized.

So when it came to vote on Sunday whether to fold the district or not, I was prepared to abstain because I felt they were the ones really carrying the load, who am I to vote to keep the district going for them to do the work? But the vote, without me, was 4 in favor of folding, with one abstention, so I added my vote to fold.

The upside is that I’ll be meeting new people and there are three districts in the state that are going to receive new members who are known to be active. That can only be a good thing for them. It will be interesting. I’ll let you know how it goes.

Biker Quote for Today

Teach your kids to count bikes on car journeys and they will automatically see us when they start to drive.