Figuring Out Both Directions
Thursday, February 22nd, 2024
This map (courtesy of Google) shows Bayou Gulch Road running west to Pradera Parkway and on to Crowfoot Valley Road. Bayou Gulch continues north from that junction and meets Crowfoot further to the north.
The Tuesday forecast was for highs in the 60s so I had to ride. You don’t get better February riding days than that. And this time, unlike so many times when I take off, I had an idea where I was going. Kind of.
I was thinking about Parker and Castle Rock and the road that runs directly from one to the other, Crowfoot Valley Road. I was inclined to go clockwise, home to Parker to Castle Rock, but even after all this time I was not clear on where I would turn in Parker to get on Crowfoot. So I figured I’d go counter-clockwise because I know where to pick up this road in Castle Rock. Fine. Let’s go.
I was still uncertain, though, how I wanted to get to Castle Rock. I knew I wanted to come in on US 85 but did I really want to make my way all the way out to Santa Fe and C-470 to pick up 85? Preferably not. So I headed south on Quebec, knowing that would take me to Daniels Park. From Daniels Park I would take Daniels Park Road on south to 85, then left to Castle Rock.
But as I drew near to Daniels Park and Castle Pines Parkway I realized this was another situation just like Crowfoot Valley Road: I knew how to get on the road going north but was not sure where to pick up that same road going south. Maybe I could recognize the intersection. If not, I knew the road (Monarch Boulevard) would take me to Castle Pines Parkway and then I would just go west to Daniels Park Road.
That’s what happened. I passed two intersections that I thought might be what I wanted but I couldn’t be sure. So I stayed on Monarch. Then as I came up to the southern terminus of the road I wanted I decided I would turn onto it and ride it back to where it meets Monarch and then I would take note of landmarks so I would know in the future. Also, probably most importantly, I saw that this was Buffalo Trail. Just remember that name.
So I did Buffalo Trail, noted the landmarks, retraced my steps and then went back to Castle Pines Parkway and did the jog over onto Daniels Park Road. Down to 85 and east to Castle Rock.
I crossed I-25 and went up Founders Parkway and then left onto Crowfoot. Now the question was, where was I going to come out when I got to Parker? But here’s where it got really interesting. As I got close to Parker I saw a sign for Bayou Gulch Road. What? I know Bayou Gulch Road. I’ve ridden it many times with the RMMRC, as one route to get out to Kiowa to Patty Ann’s for breakfast or lunch. Does Bayou Gulch come all the way over to Crowfoot? Something to check out in the future.
But as I got into Parker I came first to Stroh Road–and here Crowfoot became Motsenbocker Road, going north instead of northeast–and a little further on I hit Hess Road. And I knew Motsenbocker heads back west from there. So that’s why I didn’t know where in the central part of Parker you pick up Crowfoot–you don’t. You have to first go west on Hess or Stroh. So that question was answered.
Only now I had a bigger question and there was no time like the present. I went east on Hess to pick up Parker Road and turned south. Bayou Gulch Road runs east from Parker Road along the southern boundary of The Pinery. Does it go east from there, and does it run all the way through to Crowfoot? I had to find out.
Yes it does run west from Parker Road. And yes it does run all the way through to Crowfoot–only not at the moment. Not far from Crowfoot it is currently closed due to construction and they detour you onto Pradera Parkway, a road I had never heard of. And Pradera does go through to Crowfoot.
So now I was retracing my course northeast on Crowfoot and I spotted something else of interest. There was an intersection marked North Pinery Parkway. Does that go all the way through, too? Oh my gosh, there are a bunch of through roads here I never knew existed. Well, no. I didn’t ride it to see but Google Maps shows me now that Pinery Parkway does not go through. So I was not wrong to wonder if Bayou Gulch did.
Anyway, from there I just made my way home after a really nice day out riding and some fun exploring. I love exploring.
Biker Quote for Today
If you never owned a motorcycle you’ll never understand.