Who Needs Gas?
Thursday, June 18th, 2020
Yeah, imagine these speed demons keeping up with you on your motorcycle. (Lame? Sure. this seems to be the only bicycle picture I have.)
We were heading down Golden Gate Canyon Sunday when, at some point, we got intertwined with a guy on a bicycle. Dennis was leading, with Janice behind him, followed by Bill, then Jason, then me. The first three passed the bicyclist but the road was twisty and Janice is the least expert rider among us, so she set the pace.
The guy on the bike kept right up with us.
On some of the slower corners it almost looked like he might slip past Bill but didn’t. He was definitely close behind Bill and Jason saw little room to get past him.
Then the road opened up a little and Jason did blast past. And then the guy on the bike was hanging close behind Jason, at times making me wonder if he would pass Jason. I had little doubt that we were in fact slowing him down but again when the road opened up and the motorcycles sped up, rather than affording me a chance to pass the bicycle, that guy sped up and stuck close to Jason’s tail. We were definitely slowing him down.
I figured there was no point–not to mention little opportunity–for me to pass the bicycle so I laid back and gave him plenty of space. He saw this and starting using the full lane rather than sticking to the side of the road. I’m betting he was pleased about that. He would look back periodically to be sure I was still giving him space, and I was, so he enjoyed the use of the full lane all the rest of the way down the canyon.
Welcome to the gang, buddy. Nice riding with you.
Biker Quote for Today
You know you’re a biker when grabbing a burger takes all day.