Posts Tagged ‘are motorcycles green’

Are We Green? Do We TRULY Care?

Thursday, March 19th, 2020
Ice Fields Parkway

Stuff like this is just too sweet to give up just to be greener than I am.

I tend to be pretty environmentally minded and so for years I’ve been a little proud that I ride motorcycles, which get better gas mileage and use fewer resources.

That said, is it really true that we who ride are easier on the environment than people in cars? This is a question I have raised more than once and the answer is never clear cut. So I’m approaching this from a different perspective today.

The point I want to focus on today is that, if we only used bikes for transportation and were saving all that gas and resources it would be a simple yes. But we don’t. In fact, many of us almost never use our motorcycles as basic transportation, we ride them for recreation.

Which is to say, when we ride them we are burning more gas, creating more pollution, using more resources, than if we had other recreational pursuits. When the OFMC takes off on a trip, each of us is riding a motorcycle, getting good gas mileage. But how does the gas usage of our whole group equate with what we would burn if we all rode in one van? I’m sure that flips the equation pretty seriously.

Now, I do use my bikes for transportation some of the time. I have a number of regular errands that I almost always run on a motorcycle. But most of my riding is just joy riding. It’s a beautiful day, I want to be out in it. So off I go.

One option that grows more viable with time is getting an electric motorcycle. Can I see myself with one of those at some point? Absolutely. In fact, I went up to Boulder a few years ago with cash in pocket intending to buy an electric scooter. I didn’t because it was used, and thus had some issues, and the seller did not strike me as altogether trustworthy when he spoke to the issues I raised. But yeah, I’d say there is a 100% probability that some day I will have an electric two-wheeler.

Which brings me to the second part of this discussion: Do we really care about being green?

Do we really, truly care? Yes, I care about being green, that’s why I recycle, cut my waste to almost nothing, turn lights off, walk a lot, take light rail . . . so many things that I do. But do I care so much that I’m going to stop “wasting” gasoline on motorcycle joy rides?

Emphatically NO! I love riding motorcycles way too much for that.

So does this make me a hypocrite? I guess it does, at least a bit. Am I going to beat myself up over it? Probably not. I’ll just take solace in knowing that whatever I do that is harmful to the environment, most people do a lot more. And I accept that if you are going to live in our so-called modern society this is what happens.

But I really should keep my smugness in check.

Biker Quote for Today

Fast cars and motorcycles raisin’ hell in cowboy boots. — Tim McGraw