Maybe Just Ask?

Golden Gate in background

EagleRider CEO Chris McIntyre with the Golden Gate Bridge before we crossed into San Francisco.

I’m not sure why this has been on my mind lately, but it has so I figured I’d write about it.

I had an experience with airport security in Oakland, California, back in 2010 that still makes me shake my head. But some background is in order.

Back then I was writing for, a site that no longer exists, as their “National Motorcycle Examiner.” As such, a lot of terrific opportunities came my way. One was an invitation from EagleRider to go on a week-long, all expenses paid (except getting there and back) motorcycle tour of California, from L.A. up the coast, inland to Yosemite National Park, and then to San Francisco. You better believe I accepted.

Now, like most people, I hate to check bags when flying, preferring to squeeze everything I’ll need into a carry-on bag. That means I couldn’t take a lot and my bag was pretty full. No big deal.

So we did the tour and had a great time and I wrote a bunch about it for Examiner and other publications I wrote for back then, including of course this blog. We ended the tour in San Francisco and after saying my good-byes I went across the bay to visit a friend who lives in Oakland. To fly home I went to the Oakland airport.

By this time I had a problem, however. EagleRider and a bunch of the places we visited had loaded us up with a ton of swag. I had a mesh EagleRider motorcycle jacket, about a dozen t-shirts, eight jumbo bags of beef jerky, and I can’t remember what else. Recall that my small bag was already full when I came out here. Where was I going to put all this stuff?

I really didn’t want to pay to check a second bag but I had the idea to take clothes out of the bag, put everything else in, and whatever clothes didn’t fit in the bag I would wear. This meant I had on about six t-shirts and whatever else it took. This was summer so it was warm but over all this I put on the jacket. Yes I was warm but I got it all handled.

So I went to the airport and I guess security thought I was a bit odd. They didn’t say anything but they searched my bag thoroughly and ran the wand over me very deliberately. It was clear I was getting special treatment but not only that, they were being very hostile. I made some non-hostile remark and the woman basically told me to keep my mouth shut or things were going to get a lot worse.

Of course I was not a hijacker and I was no threat at all and finally they reluctantly allowed me on the plane. But the thing that has always bugged me was this: How about, maybe, they just ask me why I’m wearing all this stuff? I’m not saying take my explanation and just pass me on through. Go ahead and check me out thoroughly. But was the hostility really necessary? Just ask a simple question, hear my simple answer, and go ahead and do your job. No, I guess that’s too much to ask.

One amusing thing did happen immediately after this, however. As I got on the plane one of the other passengers saw my jacket and asked if I was with that group he saw two days earlier crossing the Richmond-San Rafael bridge. Yes! That was us, and he was there too, just at that moment. How funny.

Biker Quote for Today

Motorcycles make me happy. You, not so much.


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