Loving Indian Summer

motorcycle on Owl Creek Pass

No better time than now to ride!

We had bitter cold weather and now the temps are back up in the high 70s and low 80s. It’s Indian Summer. This weather is literally the reason I live in Colorado.

Back a long time ago I graduated from college and then set out on some serious traveling. In the course of that traveling I spent some time in Colorado. I didn’t fully understand it then but by chance I was here during Indian Summer, a time when the days are just glorious and being outside is being in heaven.

When I decided I was really to stop and put down some roots I asked myself where I had been that I liked the best and the very easy answer was Denver. And here I am.

Well folks, we’re in Indian Summer and it is just as awesome as it usually is, which is to say, to the max. I’ve been getting out on one bike or another as many days as I can and the riding is beyond wonderful.

The days are starting out cool, so you have to layer up starting out in the morning, but by about noon you’ll be shedding layers. On Wednesday last week I knew it was going to be a very warm day but the morning was chilly so I put on my electric vest, a sweatshirt, and a leather jacket. I also wore my riding pants but zipped up the vents and wore long underwear underneath.

And it was indeed chilly starting out, but long before noon I was unzipping vents in the pants and the jacket and at a stop I removed the sweatshirt altogether. I wish I had removed the vest, too, because a bit later than that I started to roast.

But the ride! Ooooh, the ride! The air is just so sweet, the fall colors so gorgeous. And the weather just balmy.

This is why I came to Colorado. It’s also a big part of why I stay. If you’re not out riding in this weather you’re missing some of the best riding of the entire year. What are you waiting for?

Biker Quote for Today

Motorcycle fever has almost drove me insane — David Allan Coe


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