Honey, 42 Reasons I Need A Motorcycle

Forty-two Reasons Why I Must Have a Motorcycle...Honey!

The book cover sheet in Word format.

I got a note from Dick Hakes telling me about his new book, available on Amazon, titled, Forty-two Reasons Why I Must Have a Motorcycle…Honey! It sounded interesting so I asked him to send me an electronic version or something so I could review it here.

This is a small book, quick to read, and definitely amusing. It’s really not “technically” intended for you, the motorcyclist, but instead for the wife/girlfriend/significant other of a wannabe motorcyclist. But I suspect Hakes hopes you, the motorcyclist will buy it anyway.

Hakes sets the tone in his dedication, where he tells of a guy approaching him and some buddies and talking motorcycles.

At one point in the conversation, I asked, “Do you ride?”
His face fell, he dropped his chin and shuffled his feet.
“No,” he said quietly. “The wife.”
We all knew exactly what he meant.
Buddy, this book is for you, too.

“Gentlemen, I feel your pain” the tale begins. “OK men. If you purchased this book, you may be desperate. Your woman (wife, girlfriend, significant someone) for reasons strange and mysterious is unhappy you desire a motorcycle. Broach the subject and she looks at you as if you were Hannibal Lecter.”

Hakes faced exactly this situation about 20 years ago when he decided he wanted to ride. He finally prevailed.

We still don’t talk about it much. Occasionally, she will hop on the back of my bike for a short trip on a nice day. In return, I try to be understanding about her material wants, even though I have to admit that they often make about as much sense to me as why men have nipples. We get along, we’re still in love and she no longer stares at my bike in lethal scorn every time she enters the garage.

At least I don’t think she does.

It turned out to be a good thing in his relationship with his son, too.

Yet, he took one dumbfounded look at my Harley and uttered a totally profound statement I will never forget:
“Dad,” he said. “This could be the one cool thing you have done in your life.”

There are some interesting and amusing reasons in here but this is one of my favorites:

Reason No. 13:
I’m doing it for you and the kids
I want my family – you and the kids – to be proud of me. But how can you be proud of someone who is not realizing his lifelong dream? (Then there’s some discussion, and it ends with this.) I have this dream. Always have had it. Let me reach it. Please. It would crush me to let you and the kids down.

OK, that’s just a teaser. If you want to see more it’s up to you. It’s a fun book.

Biker Quote for Today

I have six motorcycles. Had to rent a second garage to keep them all.


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