Hands-Free Bill Moves Forward

Twenty-two people testified in favor of this bill, while there were zero speaking in opposition.

Something has changed. I don’t know what, but a switch has been thrown.

I’ve been going down to the Capitol in support of bills to outlaw using cell phones while driving for years and they have never passed. This week at the Senate Transportation & Energy Committee hearing on SB24-065 (Mobile Electronic Devices & Motor Vehicle Driving) there was a palpable difference. There were 22 people who signed up to speak and all of them were in favor of the bill, with none opposed. And when it came to a vote the measure passed unanimously.

Not only that, the mood seemed to be one of “Well of course we need to pass this law. Why in the world would we not?”

Perhaps it is because–finally–everyone involved has seen all too many times the dangerous, sometimes deadly, aftermath of idiots driving with their attention on their cell phones rather than on the road. There is simply no denying any more that this is a scourge every bit as horrendous as drunk driving used to be. In fact, studies have shown that the driving ability of someone using their phone is almost indistinguishable from the driving ability of someone who is completely drunk. Who among us defends drunk driving? Who among us would defend using your phone while driving? Are you an idiot?

The battle is nowhere near won yet but it’s looking better than ever before. In the last session the bill was finally passed by the Senate but died in the House. This session it still needs to be passed by the Senate and then we’ll see what the House does.

In the past I have attributed the refusal of legislators to move forward on this because they themselves were guilty of exactly the behavior that would be outlawed. But as I said, a switch seems to have been thrown. The mood is very different. And that’s all the more reason why, when the bill comes up in the House, we all need to put extreme pressure on our representatives to get this bill passed. Finally!

You can bet I’ll be keeping you updated as this proceeds. Meanwhile, I’ll be sending a letter to the editor of The Denver Post recapping a lot of what I’m saying here, at a time appropriate to the issue. If you did, too, and we inundate them with them maybe we can get the newspaper to come out strongly behind this, too. Stay tuned.

Biker Quote for Today

Life may not be about your bike, but it sure helps you get through it.

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