Colorado Congress Members And Motorcycling

Riding up Pikes Peak.

Mark Buckner, a long-time motorcycling advocate in Colorado, recently emailed around a synopsis of his efforts to connect with members of Congress from Colorado in regard to their support of motorcycling connected legislation. I’m not going to just copy the whole thing here, but I will do the Reader’s Digest version. If the people representing you don’t support your positions you might want to contact them. Sometimes they just need to be educated as to why they ought to take a specific position.

Starting with the Senate:

Senator Michael Bennet: Stump (ABATE of Colorado legislative liaison) tried unsuccessfully to schedule a meeting. He left materials addressing issues and also a business card.

Senator John Hickenlooper: Ditto

Congresswoman Diana DeGette, 1st Congressional District: General Notes: Has not been supportive in the past. We had a meeting scheduled with Congresswoman DeGette’s aide Nicholas Anozis but were unable to attend due to travel complications in getting to the House Office buildings.

Congressman Joe Neguse, 2nd Congressional District: General Notes: Has been friendly and supportive in the past. Has signed on to prior Right-to-Repair legislation. Interested but non-committal on a number of other issues.

Congresswoman Lauren Boebert, 3rd Congressional District: General Notes: Friendly; supportive of motorcyclists’ issues. Congresswoman Boebert rides; so does her (ex-) husband. Generally supportive of most motorcycle-related issues.

Congressman Ken Buck, 4th Congressional District: General Notes: Friendly; As always, supportive of motorcyclists’ issues.

Congressman Doug Lamborn, 5th Congressional District: General Notes: Friendly; As always, supportive of motorcyclists’ issues. Congressman Lamborn rides, and some of his aides ride as well.

Congressman Jason Crow, 6th Congressional District: General Notes: Not particularly supportive of motorcyclists’ issues; mainly interested in veteran issues.

Congresswoman Brittany Pettersen, 7th Congressional District: General Notes: Possibly 60% favorable toward motorcyclists’ issues? On the fence on many of our issues but is approachable.

Congresswoman Yadira Caraveo, 8th Congressional District: General Notes: Newly elected; first term in Congress; not supportive of our issues when she served in the Colorado state legislature.

That’s the run-down. I wonder what it would take to get some of these Democrats to take an interest in motorcycling issues the way that the Republicans do. These people are missing a bet.

Biker Quote for Today

The road less traveled can cause inner peace.


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