Coincidences Connect Me to Sidecar-Steered Rig Owner

Glyn McDowell driving his rig from the sidecar

You’ve got to love coincidence. It came through for me this time.

Last summer my wife and I were going camping in the mountains. We were headed out US 285, getting near Bailey, when we saw a guy going the other way in a motorcycle sidecar rig. Not unusual, except that in this case, he was controlling it from the sidecar, not the bike. What the heck?

So almost as a throwaway, I put up a short note on saying, “Do you know this person? I want to meet him.” I figured maybe someone would respond, but I doubted it.

Fast forward a year. I was taking off one day this summer on my 1980 Honda CB750 Custom and it died on me about a mile from home. This was a day when the bike gave me trouble twice, and I wrote about it here. Almost as soon as I got the bike rolled out of traffic another guy stopped to offer assistance. This was Roger. Roger was very helpful, giving me a ride home to get a gas can and then helping me get it started when adding gas was not quite enough. I gave Roger my card, along with a big thank-you.

Imagine my surprise about two months later when I received an email from Roger. He had been to my Examiner page and had read the piece about the guy driving from the sidecar, and he had just run into him at a gas station. Roger got the guy’s contact information and forwarded it to me. How cool is that!

So I called the guy, Glyn McDowell, and went up to meet him at his home. He showed me his rig, took me for a ride, and let me drive it. Like they say, it’s dirty work but someone has to do it.

I wrote a piece for about Glyn and his rig and you can read it there. And this all happened because of a throwaway piece that I never expected to result in anything. I hope you go to RumBum and read the piece. It’s a pretty interesting rig.

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One Response to “Coincidences Connect Me to Sidecar-Steered Rig Owner”

  1. dom Says:

    Very cool Ken!

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