Posts Tagged ‘presidents on motorcycles’

Mr. President Biker? Really?

Monday, May 27th, 2024

Czech President Petr Pavel on a Harley.

OK, this is just for fun. I saw this headline the other day that I just had to click through on: Czech president injured while racing motorcycle.

Oh wow. Do you really mean the Czechs have a president who is cool? Apparently yes.

In this story from the BBC it tells us that “Czech President Petr Pavel has been taken to hospital after injuring himself while riding a motorcycle.” And it also says, “Czech police said they were not investigating the accident because it happened on a closed racing circuit – not on the road.”

That’s right. He wasn’t just riding a motorcycle, he was racing. And yeah, he had an unplanned get-off, but nothing serious. They just took him to the hospital for a couple hours for observation, in case something cropped up that was not immediately apparent. That happens. In the crash scene management class I took awhile back they talked about how someone may feel just fine immediately afterward only to have shock set in a little later. But he was fine.

So I was just letting my imagination go on the idea that we would have a president who rides motorcycles. Can you picture Joe Biden on a motorcycle? Nope. He’s at an age when not many of us are riding anymore. When the reflexes are gone it’s time to hang up the keys.

What about Donald Trump on a bike? OK, I could visualize him riding bitch with someone else at the controls but I don’t think I’d like to be that person. Don’s got some weight these days and I’ve had one experience riding with someone like that and I don’t want to do it again.

Back sometime soon after John and I first got our bikes we went over to Al’s to drink some beer and play some music. Al wanted to go for a ride and he climbed on my bike behind me. Now, I weighed about 140 then and Al had to have been close to 190. Not fat but large and solid. And Al was very excitable, meaning he didn’t just sit there passively being a passenger. No, he was shifting his weight and turning this way and that, throwing me way off balance and making me fear we’d crash. We went just a few blocks and I stopped and insisted he ride behind John, who is bigger. John didn’t care for it much either so we didn’t go very far.

Let’s go back a little further. How about Barack Obama on a bike? Now, that I could see. He’s a lot younger and he’s athletic. And here’s the funny thing. I Googled “Barack Obama on motorcycle” and I got a lot of links to photos that people have Photoshopped to make it look like he’s riding a motorcycle. Humorous.

But the Czechs have an actual president who rides his own. The BBC article says he rides a BMW R1200 GS. Cool. Maybe some day we’ll have a biker-in-chief.

Biker Quote for Today

“You see, I don’t know how to ride a motorcycle, actually.” — Henry (the Fonz) Winkler