Posts Tagged ‘motorcycle mileage’

Bike Miles Double Car Miles Again In 2011

Thursday, January 5th, 2012

My Kawi at the Utah state line

For the second year in a row I put more than twice as many miles on my motorcycles as I did on my car. And on this gorgeous January day I was out doing what I can to make that happen again in 2012. What a fabulous day to be out on a motorcycle! And I saw a lot of guys out there, too. At one point there were four of us going three ways at an intersection. You’ve got to love Colorado.

On the Kawi in 2011 I rode a total of 6,875 miles. That’s actually down from 2010, when I put 10,004 miles on the bike. I also rode the Honda 506 miles, which gives a total of 7,381 on the bikes. The total on my car was just 3,556. Working at home has a way of reducing the miles you put on any and all of your vehicles. Have I ever remarked on how much I love not having to commute to work?

Of course, these figures don’t include things like the miles I put on the rented Harley up in British Columbia, but they also don’t include the miles we put on the rental car we had either. Nor does it include the miles I cover in my wife’s car when she and I go somewhere together in it. I just keep it simple by considering only my own vehicles. Doing anything else would be too much brain damage.

If my plans work the way I hope, I do expect to get a lot more miles on the Kawi this year. I mentioned previously that I’m hoping to make it out to Ohio for the AMA’s Vintage Motorcycle Days, and if I do, that trip should put as many as 3,000 miles on the bike, depending on which side trips I take along the way.

So here’s to a great year of riding in 2012. Just ride the thing!

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Noise–and lights–that might really save lives

Biker Quote for Today

The life of a vagabond isn’t always riding, sometimes you have to stop & pose for pictures with the natives. It’s not much fun, but how could I disappoint these poor Kazakh girls? — rtwdoug

First Year Ever with More Miles on the Bikes

Monday, January 3rd, 2011

For the first time in more than 20 years on motorcycles I rode more miles than I drove last year. In fact, nearly double. I’m pretty amazed.

motorcycles in Spearfish CanyonEvery year on January 1 I check my odometers on all my vehicles to see how many miles I covered on each. This year I rode my Kawasaki Concours 10,004 miles. Not surprisingly, that’s also the first time I’ve ridden more than 10,000 miles on a bike in a year. In 2009 I rode the Kawi 5,016 miles.

My car, on the other hand, racked up only 5,581 miles. That compares with 8,660 miles in 2009.

I didn’t do much on my Honda CB750 Custom, partly because it spent too much of the year in the shop. Mileage for 2010 was only 662 miles, compared to 1,037 the year before.

Altogether that puts my bike mileage at 10,666 or a bit less than double the car. Double the car would be 11,162, so that’s about 500 shy.

I’m happy to say that a lot of those miles came from the fact that I took a lot more trips this past year. I went out to the Laughlin River Run, I went to the Sturgis Rally, and of course I went on the annual OFMC trip.

But all those miles also mean I rode more at home. I made it a point to use the bikes for transportation as much as possible, even when it would have been more convenient to drive my car. And I’ll continue doing that, too. I like being on the bike more. That’s what it’s all about, isn’t it? Riding the dang thing!?

Oh, and by the way, those figures actually don’t even represent all the miles I rode this past year. They do not include the four days I spent doing the EagleRider media tour in California, the dual-sporting I did on other people’s V-Stroms, or the week I got around exclusively on a scooter. So if you add those miles I did ride more than double the miles I drove in 2010.

I don’t know about you but I kind of like the sound of that.

Recent from National Motorcycle Examiner
New motorcycle-related laws kick in with the new year

Biker Quote for Today

Warning: If this bike is on a trailer it is being stolen.

Motorcycle Miles Up in 2009, But Car Miles Up More

Friday, January 1st, 2010
Bonneville Vintage GP and Concours
    Racers at Miller Motorsports Park, one place I went this year

I put substantially more miles on my motorcycles last year than ever before but missed my overall objective of surpassing miles by car due to a big increase in car miles.

Overall I rode my two bikes 6,053 miles in 2009. That compares to 4,839 in 2008. But I drove my car 8,660 miles in 2009, compared to only 4,971 in 2008. Oh well, today starts a new year. I have ambitious plans for riding this year and if I manage to do it all this could be the year.

The breakdown for the two bikes was more pronounced than usual. I rode the Concours 5,016 miles, while only putting 1,037 miles on the CB750 Custom. That’s a reflection of doing more highway miles, traveling more, on the Connie. I only rode the Honda around town. That’s a pattern that is likely to repeat itself this year.

I’m hoping to go to Daytona Bike Week this year, on the Kawi, so that would add something close to 4,000 miles all by itself. We’ll see if the weather lets me get out of Denver on the bike though. If I were leaving today it would not be by motorcycle. Our road is covered with ice and snow.

Have a good year riding. I certainly intend to.

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Biker Quote for Today

People don’t really see motorcycles as an alternate form of transportation, at least not in the USA. They are bought to enhance our image or feed our need for performance. (Frank Smith, letter, CycleWorld, Nov. 2008)