Posts Tagged ‘distracted driving’

How To Pass A law

Monday, March 5th, 2018
legislative hearing

A legislative hearing on motorcycle topics a few years ago.

I mentioned recently that the legislative effort by Sen. Lois Court to curb driver distraction caused by texting and other use of electronic devices went down to defeat in the Republican-controlled Senate. Court is a Democrat.

Those of us who are motorcyclists and others who find texting drivers a personal danger don’t really care what the party affiliation is of someone proposing to fight this very real danger. Aren’t our elected representatives supposed to work for what is best for the public, not for what is best for their own party? And how does it work counter to either party’s interests to cooperatively combat a clear evil?

I’m not pointing fingers at the Republicans alone. I know it works in both directions and I don’t care who is doing it, it’s outrageous. You’re there to serve us, not yourselves.

Nevertheless, I was a little surprised at the latest communication I received from Stump, the ABATE of Colorado lobbyist working for all motorcyclists down at the capitol. He said he had been hanging out with legislators of both parties and learning even more than he already knew about getting a bill passed. And thinking specifically of this distracted driver bill of Sen. Court’s, he offered the thought that the way to get it passed may simply be to change the make-up of the Senate so the Democrats control that house.

He was very specific about how it could be done. Here is what he had to say:

ABATE is a non-partisan organization and has champion legislators on both sides of the aisle. The following scenario is merely factual information from a Democrats viewpoint. Below is a possible scenario of the upcoming elections to increase the Democratic presence in the Senate:

· Andy Kerr (D) is term-limited, so we need to elect Brittany Pettersen (D) to take his place (District 22 – Jefferson County – Edgewater, Lakewood, Littleton)
· Cheri Jahn (U) is also term-limited – we need to replace her with Jessie Danielson (D) (District 20 – Jefferson County — Wheatridge)
· Mike Merrifield (D) is term-limited – we need to replace him with Pete Lee (D) (District 11 – El Paso County, Colorado Springs area)
· Leroy Garcia (D) is an incumbent we need to re-elect (District 3 – Pueblo County, Pueblo area)
· Kerry Donovan (D) is an incumbent we need to re-elect (District 5 – Chaffee, Delta, Eagle, Gunnison, Hinsdale, Lake & Pitkin Counties – Avon, Basalt, Buena Vista, Crested Butte, Eagle, Minturn, Pitkin, Poncha Springs, Vail)

We need to defeat two Republicans:
· Tim Neville (R) needs to be defeated by Tammy Story (D) (District 16 – Boulder, Denver, Gilpin & Jefferson Counties)
· Beth Martinez-Humenik (R) needs to be defeated by Faith Winter (D) (District 24 – Adams County, Northglenn, Thornton, Westminster)

OK, back up a little and go to that first statement: “ABATE is a non-partisan organization and has champion legislators on both sides of the aisle.” I understand the disclaimer in the next sentence (“The following scenario is merely factual information from a Democrats viewpoint.”) but it sure feels like he’s playing with fire here. A lot of ABATE members, not to mention motorcyclists at large, who are Republicans.

Nevertheless, in regard to this particular issue there is truth in what he’s saying. If those people in office care more about their own partisan politics, and less about the public good, then they probably should be replaced. But what if the new people are just as partisan in the other direction? Aren’t there other issues of concern to motorcyclists where the Republicans are more sympathetic than the Democrats? Do we flip both houses of the legislature every other year and try to score legislatively with each side quickly?

How about this as an alternative: Each and every one of us should question our legislative candidates and vote only for those who reject this extreme partisanship. Elect the ones who promise to work across the aisle for the good of the people. And then hold them to it. If they win and prove themselves just as nakedly partisan as the last one, vote them out next time–regardless of whether they belong to your party or not.

Biker Quote for Today

We have to stop to text–so should you!!

Strategy Meeting For Distracted Driving Bill

Monday, February 26th, 2018
Colorado capitol building

What goes on under the gold dome affects us all.

An issue near and dear to the hearts of many motorcyclists is distracted driving. You know, those idiots in cars who are paying more attention to their cell phones than to the road and putting us, in particular, at risk.

Sen. Lois Court, Democrat of District 31 in Arapahoe County, had introduced a bill (SB18-049) this session to extend the current ban on all drivers under 18 from using their phones while driving to encompass all drivers. The bill would also have increased the penalty from $50 to $300 and would have extended the ban to cover all wireless devices, not just phones. Notice the use of the words “would have.” The bill died in committee.

Who can possibly believe it is OK to be using your cell phone while you’re driving. Oh, I don’t know, maybe a bunch of legislators who do this very thing themselves. “I can do this safely; it’s those other idiots who are a danger.”

Anyway, per Stump, the motorcyclist rights lobbyist representing ABATE of Colorado down at the legislature, Sen. Court and supporters of the measure are planning an open strategy meeting on how to work to get something like this passed. That meeting will be this Thursday at Racine’s, 650 Sherman, at 6:30 p.m. If you care about this issue you might attend. I may be there. If I am, I’ll report back to you on what transpires. (Later: Oops, no I won’t be going. That is the same time as my RMMRC meeting.)

Stump was telling us Sunday at the ABATE District 10 meeting that there are no bills in the legislature this session directly addressing motorcycles, although there are a number having to do with all users of the roads. It’s not for lack of trying. But to get a bill in front of the legislature requires a sponsor. Legislators are limited in the number of bills they can introduce so you have to find someone who is willing to address your issue.

Stump joked (half-joked) about trying to get Sen. Kevin Grantham, Republican of Senate District 2, south and west of Colorado Springs, to go big. Sen. Grantham is being term-limited after this session so Stump wants to suggest that he “go out with a bang.” How about an all-inclusive motorcycling bill addressing red lights that don’t recognize motorcycles, stopping profiling of motorcyclists for stops, and allowing lane-splitting.

Yeah, that would be great. Probably not going to happen but you never know. Stump can be pretty persuasive. Fun to think about but I’m not holding my breath.

On the other hand, this distracted driving bill has a dedicated sponsor. Maybe if enough people get behind it we can make something happen.

Biker Quote for Today

Don’t let my motorcycle ride interfere with the safety of your phone call.

Distracted Driving: We Know What That’s About

Thursday, October 1st, 2015

Since I posted about my small personal campaign to get headline writers to stop calling car/motorcycle crashes “motorcycle crashes,” I have been sending emails out at the rate of about two a day, although I have only gotten one reply. If I get more I’ll put together a post with the back and forth.

Of course in so many of these crashes the fault has been with the driver of the car or truck, and as we all know so well, often they have been distracted by stupid things like their cellphones. I’m sorry you idiot, my life is more important than your damn phone call.

So I figured I would make Neil Tohill at Southside Motor Factors happy by posting this infographic he sent me, complete with a link to their site. Not that any of you reading this will frequent their store (they’re in Ireland) but the web crawlers will pick up the link and that will work to their benefit. But I’m not doing it to make Neil happy, I’m using the graphic because it has good, relevant information. That’s the gold standard when it comes to viral marketing: offer something that promotes your company that people pass along because of its own inherent value.

Here’s the graphic. It’s really long, so keep scrolling. I also had to shrink it down to fit width-wise but it should still be legible.

Distracted Driving Infographic

Distracted driving infographic.

Biker Quote for Today

I live with fear every day. But on weekends I leave her at home and go ride my dirt bike.