Posts Tagged ‘blog comments’

Asking For Some Help Here

Thursday, June 13th, 2024

>1,798 posts, 636 comments.

OK, rather than a motorcycle-related post here I’m doing a blog-related post. Specifically something I have long tried to figure out about this blog.

Why does almost no one ever comment? If you look at that screen shot of my blog dashboard you’ll see that there have been 1,780 posts which garnered only 698 comments. I look at other people’s blogs and they’ll have multiple comments on every post. I just don’t get it.

For one, I’m wondering if I have this thing set up in a way that makes commenting difficult or even impossible for people at times? Something I could fix. Could I move the comment button somewhere more convenient?

Or is what I write so complete that no one has anything to add? Or so boring that no one cares? Or is it something else I have no idea about?

I know, for instance, that up at the top right, below the photo of me on the Honda, it reads “Entries (RSS) and Comments (RSS).” And I know that is not functional; I need to remove it. Is that it? Do people click on that Comments link and get nowhere? The Comments link that does work is at the bottom of each post. You read the post, you get to the end, you want to offer a reply, and you click the link there. Is that not clear enough?

This has frustrated me for a long time. Anything anyone can do to help me out here will be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

Biker Quote for Today

You can’t get good by staying home. If you want to go fast, you have to go where the fast guys are.