Follow-Up To MOST Meeting

Yeah, you’re probably not going to be riding up Loveland Pass real soon, but spring is just a few days away.
My Monday post had to do with the MOST program and drew some response. I’m not sure why people don’t post comments so everyone can see what they have to say but no matter. I respond and pursue any issues.
So just for everyone’s understanding, here is the question and response. First I got an email from Dave Tolbert.
I just read your article that included Stumps legislative news. I am 1 of the 12 members on the current MOST board. The article stated that 6 of 11 invited board members didn’t attend. I know for a fact that least 11 if not all 12 members did NOT attend. Only 6 of the 12 board members were invited. We asked that all board members and vendors be invited. We were told no. Since all board members and all vendors were not invited, we did not attend.
Dave Tolbert
I then responded to Dave:
Thanks for the note Dave. I’m clearly not the one with answers, but I’ll send Stump a note and ask him about it. Meanwhile, I wonder one thing. Stump said invitations were sent to “stakeholders,” not “board members” and I wonder if that is the issue here. I don’t know who he defines as stakeholders but I would guess it would be CDOT, MOST, ABATE, maybe the COC, and then I have no idea who else. Each of them counting as one stakeholder. I’ll ask him and get back to you.
No sooner had I sent that response than I got two more notes, these from Kent Sundgren.
I am on the MOSTAB board, I was not informed of this meeting. I am the “rider” representative on the MOSTAB.ABATE DOES NOT SPEAK FOR ME OR MANY OF OUR COLORADO RIDERS.
Kent Sundgren
And . . .
I did get the invite just now.I can not attend, but have completed the very limited survey sent and also asked that the invitor contact me before the meeting.
Kent Sundgren
So I emailed Stump asking him to respond. I got a reply from Bruce Downs, the head guy at ABATE of Colorado:
Stump forwarded your email to me for a response.
Mr. Tolbert is correct in that none of the invited MOSAB Board members attended and that they did request that all board members be invited. We intentionally did not invite all MOSAB Board Members. Instead we invited the “stakeholders†who were those that are in some way affected by the program. We did exclude the administration to try and facilitate a more open discussion. As far as Mr. Sundgren, I did not have contact info for him. When I spoke with Mr. Tolbert extending the invitation, he said he could and would contact him. This obviously did not happen.
Bruce Downs
Somehow I suspect there is politics going on here that I do not have an understanding of. But I hope everyone’s message has gotten through to anyone interested.
Biker Quote for Today
Riding a bike is like an art, something you do because you feel something inside. — Valentino Rossi
Tags: Colorado MOST program