Caution: Stuff On the Road Again

Nothing untoward on this road in Dinosaur National Monument, but when it rains it becomes impassable--don't even try.
I haven’t done this for a while so it must be due. More weird stuff encountered on the road, from a thread on Adventure Riders.
- I had to dodge a claw hammer that bounced off a pickup truck’s rear bumper after he hit a bump.
- A wheel w/ tire rolling across the road from an oncoming truck.
- Couple weeks ago, my wife was heading to work on her PC800…crested a hill, and right in the middle of her lane was a damn Fisher-Price playhouse!
- Boulders. Large boulders for landscaping / construction. An 18 wheel dump truck was turning in front of me, across my path of travel, about 100 yards away. The truck, being overloaded, flipped on its side. 6 or 7 large boulders rolled out, and tumbled straight toward me. They were round enough so they actually rolled a good distance. It was such an unexpected event that I had a strange feeling of calm, and actually steered around one as it rolled past.
- Took a bat in the chest at 70 MPH crossing a bridge one night. That was weird, and painful. Thankfully it was the flying kind, not the baseball kind.
- After moving from Alaska in 1990 I met up with local riders in Oregon where I moved to. They managed to make me paranoid of deer (we didn’t have them, just moose), one early morning I was riding toward Bridgeport Washington on a sunny morning a few months later. The light through the trees was incredible. But for some reason my mind had gotten back to the deer. . every shadow started worried, then I came around a beauty of a right hand sweeping corner doing about 70 mph and there it was. . the biggest Pig I have ever seen in my life smack dab in the middle of my line. Missed it by a foot at best, afterwards the first thing that came to mind was the epitaph for my head stone “They never warned me of the pigs”
- My friend was hit by a fish in the chest. He startled an osprey who dropped his catch.
- Hit a boat once, in the middle of the desert. Long story…
(Other ADV member) Was it the Calypso?
Nope a small fishing boat. Came up over a hill on my Buell s1w. Paved road winding thru the dez. Came up over a hill and a truck turned left in front of me. No problem I thought, get on front brake and get around him to his right though I knew not much room for error. All looked good then I saw he was towing a fishing boat. Broadside the boat, I went up and over, the bike stopped still. Bike totalled, me just a few broken bones, bruised kidneys and liver, ATGATT saved my ass. He was nice enough to offer me a cold beer and some whiskey, at 8 am. Yes he was cited including for dui but hey he was going fishin’ after all.. - Narrowly missed a pile of elephant poop in the road — massive turds — while up on some twisties in the mountains. That would have ended badly….
- Narrow miss. Giant 10 or 12 point buck in full velvet in August. Hard on the brakes and missed his tail by one foot. It was the full velvet up close that was freaky.
OK, enough fun. Now it’s time to get out there and ride so you can have your own thrilling encounters and add them to this thread.
Biker Quote for Today
Squids: tee-shirt, temporary tag, sneakers, shorts, and no idea what the yellow line is for.