Ask A Stupid Question
Monday, January 18th, 2021I’ve only mined this ADV thread a few times so there’s a lot here. The theme is “Stupid questions people ask you when stopped.” Here are a few, although some people get off the train of the question.
Out for a ride?
Nope, pushed it here just to hang out…
Pulling up at lights, gas stations, etc. – I guess because I’m only 5’4, 115 pds, and female.
“Do you ride that thing?”
I usually just look at them, or say, “Yea – why not?”
Perhaps I should come up with something snappier, like….
“No – I just push it around, so I can sit on it at stoplights.”
The comment that gets me is “That’s a murdercycle!” or something similar. When someone tries to tell me how DANGEROUS my Bandit is, that one day I will die on her, I simply reply “well, my best friend died in a car crash, as did my Grandfather. I don’t trust cars!”
If they keep going on about it, I tell them I’d rather die on my bike, doing what I love, than driving in my car on the way to Safeway.
So far all I get from those comments are blank stares.
There are so many TYPES of questions. Some nice, some smart-assed some incredibly stupid. I got asked by some smart-assed kid what my ADV sticker meant today and used someone else’s reply of “Antisocial, Disturbed and Violent and that it was court ordered” This kids eyes got big and then he just walked away while looking over his shoulder. Guy sittin’ on the bench was in tears laughing when I turned around. I just grinned and went in the store.
I stopped in at the little camp store on Mount Pisgah on the Blue Ridge Parkway Saturday and chatted with a guy who was sitting out front taking in the scene.
He was on a Honda Shadow (a 600 cc or so bike). He said that when people ask him why he doesn’t have a Harley, he says, “I can’t afford all of them t-shirts!”
LEO: License Please.
ME: (already have it out and hand it over)
LEO: I have you on radar going 74 in a 50, do you know how fast you were going?
ME: Huh, are you asking for a second opinion? Cause I might have a conflict of interest.
He didn’t think this was funny, it cost me.
You ride a motorcycle? (Amazing how often I hear this walking to or from my bike.)
No, this stuff protects me from hyenas.
Stupidest question has to be when I ride up on my Commando with the big fuel injection emblems on it, and some says “I see it says fuel injection….what kind of carburetors do you have on it.”
My least favorite: “Do you know why I stopped you, Mr.Wade?”
This is a little bit of a tangent. Being on the other side as a motor cop, I nearly got hit turning around and when I got to the driver’s door, I asked the driver “Do you know why I stopped you?” When he said no, I had forgotten and had to say, “Neither do I, thank you for stopping and please drive safely.”
Biker Quote for Today
Life without a motorcycle is no life at all.