You can buy just about anything motorcycle related at the Colorado Motorcycle Expo.
On Saturday I headed over to the National Western Complex for the 2023 Colorado Motorcycle Expo. Some aspects of this show never change but then some of them do.
It was a cold, overcast day (at least by the time I got there) and one thing very different was that there were not hundreds of motorcycle parked out front. No surprise considering the weather. But there were some here and there so there were some hard-core folks in attendance.
An odd thing that I take to be just coincidence was that as I was coming in there were a surprising number of people leaving who were carrying handlebars. Do a lot of people come here for handlebars? Probably my timing was just right for this totally random situation.
Inside you would have thought it was the middle of summer. I haven’t seen that much black leather in one place since the last time I came to the Expo. Personally, I don’t wear my riding gear except when I’m riding but this sort of event seems to prompt people to dress the part, never mind that they drove there in their cars.
The biggest surprise of all was that somehow in the intervening years (since 2019) all of the so-called “outlaw” clubs have established a presence at the Expo. By which I mean, they have all taken booths and set up with banners and everything and are now selling their own branded merchandise. Want some Sons of Silence merch? Take your pick of four different booths (Eastern Colorado, Metro, Southwest, Southwestern Colorado). Hell’s Angels merch? Got that. Gringos merch? Yup.
And this is an amazing transformation because the last time I went to the Expo the clubs were pretty much banned. There had been an inter-club shooting a couple years before and the management was working to keep them away, at least insisting that they not come wearing their colors. Times have changed.
Another surprise was how many Christian motorcycle groups had booths. I’ve really only been familiar with the Christian Motorcyclists Association (CMA) but there was a whole slew of them that I had never heard of: Tribe of Judah Motorcycle Ministry, Soldiers for Jesus MC, and Hellfighters, just to name a few. Who knew? Not me. And they all had booths.
Of course there were a bunch of show bikes–that never changes. What was different about that this year was how very many mega-trikes there were. These are the things that are basically cars with extended forks and a single front wheel and two car tires on the rear. There used to be three of these things you’d see at local events, and I know one of them got smashed pretty badly in a crash in Wolcott some years ago. But there were about seven of them on display at the Expo.
Also, and this was new, in the downstairs there was an area where they had a bunch of custom cars. Don’t think I’ve ever seen cars on display at the Colorado Motorcycle Expo before.
And of course there were the people. There is absolutely no better place for people watching because there is nowhere else you’ll see so many really odd and interesting looking people.
Of course I shot a lot of pictures and I’ll be following up here with a couple posts that are primarily just photographs. Check back in a few days.
Biker Quote for Today
Ride to work, ride to play. Ride tomorrow, ride today.