December Rides In The Books
Monday, December 2nd, 2013
Oh yeah, summer! That's when you can go on long trips on your motorcycle. That sure seems far off right about now.
I certainly hope these are not the only December rides I get in, but I did ride all three bikes Sunday. I make it a point to ride each bike at least once every calendar month and December 2013 is taken care of.
Of course, sticking strictly to that mandate, I could now go 60 full days without riding and as long as I get out on January 31 I’m good. Please, please don’t let that happen. But they’re predicting snow for later this week, with the Saturday high climbing (from Thursday and Friday) to 20 degrees. And perhaps more pertinently, it’s supposed to snow. So no, I won’t be getting out on any bike next weekend.
And then you never know what’s going to happen after that.
For years there has been at least one ride that I would try my best to make late in December, and that’s the ABATE Last Brass Monkey Run. This year, though, I guess that’s out of the question. Initially this event was held every year on December 31. Then, at some point, they decided to switch it to the last weekend in December, presumably because a lot of people can’t get away to do a ride on a weekday.
But now they’ve gone back to the old way, i.e., it’s once again on December 31, regardless of the day of the week. Well, I’m sorry, but I have a job and I’m going to work that day. It’s a Tuesday. I’m curious about the discussion that led up to this decision. Yeah, the purist in me likes the idea of doing a ride the last day of the year, but the realist in me says there are a ton of people who would like to go but won’t be able to.
Then next year the 31st is on Wednesday, and in 2015 it is on Thursday. Finally in 2016 the 31st comes on a Saturday.
So no, I won’t be planning on another December ride on December 31. But there are three other weekends after this one upcoming. All I ask is clear streets; I can take the cold. Come on Mother Nature.
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