Archive for the ‘ABATE’ Category

Man, Was My Info Wrong!

Thursday, February 6th, 2025

CSP and ABATE testimony at the hearing. Thanks to Sen. Byron Pelton who came over to me and offered to get a shot from in front of the speakers. How nice!

Wow, did I ever get things wrong. I’m talking about this supposed bill to sunset Colorado’s MOST program and I just got home from the first hearing.

Just as the committee was getting going on another bill that preceded the MOST bill I was sitting with Larry, the state coordinator for ABATE of Colorado, and he handed me the text of the remarks he intended to make to the committee. I was struck by one sentence:

Per the Sunset Review for 2024 the MOST program has been recommended that this continues for 9 more years.

OK, there’s a little grammatical mix-up in there but you get the picture. I asked Larry if the recommendation was to continue MOST and he said yes.

Wow. Oh wow. That’s not what I’ve been telling you. Or anyone I talked to. What’s the deal?

I first got wind of this when I was talking with Stump on December 31 at the Last Brass Monkey Run. I would swear he told me the recommendation was to sunset MOST, but not altogether, just for nine years. And I asked him, for nine years? I thought when a program got sunset it was over, done with, fini. But he said no, it was usually for three years but in this case it’s for nine.

Clearly I misunderstood something Stump said and also as clearly he misheard something I said. My new understanding makes a whole heck of a lot more sense.

So the gist of it all is that they are recommending continuing MOST but ABATE is pushing to have changes made, to get it back more to its original configuration where the money we pay in on license renewals goes to reduce the cost of training for the students. And that issue was raised in the hearing. One senator asked if there was money stashed away for the program that could support this sort of subsidy and Larry told him absolutely yes, there’s more than $1 million sitting there in the account.

The bill was approved by the committee so now I believe it goes on to further development. As in, it does not appear there even is a bill yet, that remains to be written. And now the effort will be to make revisions in the program. That should be interesting.

Meanwhile, here’s another thing Larry told me that was news to me. I had told him that if the program can’t be redirected to subsidizing students taking riding courses then perhaps MOST should be killed. What he told me is that as of about five years ago, the Department of Motor Vehicles no longer administers driving tests when people come in for new licenses. Whether you want a license to drive a car or to ride a motorcycle, you have to go to a third organization to do the driving test. So if MOST went away there would be no system for those third-party trainers/testers to be certified to pass people on their driving tests.

Easy to see why the committee voted unanimously to continue MOST. Crazy that DMV no longer administers driving tests. Great for companies offering driver training.

So fine. Now we sit back and wait to see what in included in the bill when it gets written.

Biker Quote for Today

As addictive as cocaine and twice as expensive.

Biker Junk

Thursday, January 23rd, 2025

This is the stuff I’ve accumulated and I don’t even care for this kind of stuff.

You’ve seen them, I know. The guys with leather vests and jackets festooned with pins and patches. Biker paraphernalia. Some guys just love that stuff.

To each his own, I guess. I’m not that kind of guy. But I am a biker, so this stuff inevitably comes my way nevertheless.

That photo above is all the stuff I could find to pull out and display. There’s an AMA Life Member patch, an ABATE of Colorado District 10 (defunct) patch, a Ride with the 40 patch from when that crew came through some years ago, and an OFMC patch. I do actually have an OFMC patch on one of my leather jackets. That’s the only patch I have on anything.

Of course there are the brass nuts from attending ABATE’s Last Brass Monkey Run each December 31. I only found six but I’m sure I have more somewhere.

Then there are the pins. Time was when every year I would receive a pin each from ABATE and the AMA tallying my years of membership. Finally people got wise at both organizations and asked “Do you wish to receive a pin each year?” I said no. Great idea. Save yourselves money and save me accumulating junk I don’t want.

Some people really get into this stuff, I know. That’s great. For you. I’ll pass, thanks.

Biker Quote for Today

Weekend forecast: Motorcycling with no chance of house cleaning or cooking.

Last Brass Monkey Run 2024

Thursday, January 2nd, 2025

Each year you go to the Last Brass Monkey Run you receive a brass nut. Sometimes they even have monkeys on them.

I looked at the outside thermometer on Tuesday morning (28) and asked myself what I was trying to prove to who? I drove my car to the Last Brass Monkey Run. I knew that on a sunny day with no ice on the road there would be a good number of hard-core folks heading to the Rock Rest on their bikes, but I was not going to be one of them. A final temperature check (36) as I was getting ready to leave made me reconsider but nope, I drove.

ABATE of Colorado’s Last Brass Monkey Run is always promoted as the last ride of the year, and is held on December 31, regardless of the weather. It is held these days at the Rock Rest Lodge in Golden, and I generally go.

So I got there, and yeah, there were bikes parked outside. Oh well. Some people are more hard-core than me. I have ridden some years.

The event used to be an actual poker run but nowadays the poker is set up inside, with games you play to receive your card. I’ve never had even a decent hand at a poker run so I never expect much. But this time was different. I drew three 2s. A pretty low three of a kind but still a three of a kind. Who knows, I might win something.

There are always door prizes as well and in recent years there have been enough door prizes for everyone there to get one. Of course, due to simple reality, someone is destined to be the one with the last ticket drawn. Last year that was me. And my prize was pretty much the dregs of what you might receive.

This year I was not last. When I arrived they were already calling numbers but very soon afterward announced there were stopping the drawing to have lunch. I got some lunch and was sitting with Kathy and Mike, holding ticket number 699. People finished eating and they announced a resumption of the door prize drawings and Mike said “OK Ken, get ready, it’s gonna be 699.” Larry looked at the ticket and called out “699.” No bull.

My prize was OK, nothing great, but really something we had no use for. I didn’t care, I was waiting for the best poker hand.

Larry got up to announce the winners and he said he had never seen such a lousy bunch of poker players. That gave me more hope.

And the top winner was . . . three of a kind 8s. Dang. Well, there is a second place prize as well. Second place was three of a kind 5s. Double dang. My 2s were just too low.

Meanwhile, another Kathy, Larry’s wife, had joined us at our table and remarked how she had hoped to get what I had gotten. I gave it to her.

So it was an enjoyable time, good to see a bunch of folks I don’t see all that often any more since I no longer go to ABATE meetings. Who knows, maybe next year I’ll ride. Maybe.

Biker Quote for Today

100 reasons not to date a biker: 51. We pay more for insurance than your car payment.

How A Club Fades Away?

Monday, September 9th, 2024

The RMMRC taking a break on a ride several years ago.

For the first 20-some years of my motorcycle riding the only “club” I rode with was the OFMC. And I put that in quotes because we weren’t really any kind of organized club, we were just a group of friends who liked to ride motorcycles. But over the years a lot of the guys gave up riding, and those who didn’t give it up just seemed less interested in doing much of it except for the annual trip.

That’s not me. I generally ride a lot and if I have someone to ride with that’s great, if I don’t I never hesitate to take off on my own.

But it is nice to have a group to ride with, if for no other reason than having group rides set up by numerous people gives you a lot of opportunities and also can take you places you didn’t know were there.

Enter the RMMRC, or Rocky Mountain Motorcycle Riders Club. I joined the RMMRC in 2016 and right from the start I suddenly had a lot of great riding opportunities and also was meeting a whole bunch of good guys. Also some women but mostly guys.

Now, I have been a member of ABATE of Colorado for more than 20 years and they do some rides and I’ve been on a few but those are almost entirely the large group, poker run type of rides. And I’m not interested in that kind of thing. So even though I attended monthly meetings for years I never really got to know most of those people and there were plenty who I know on sight but even now don’t know their names.

Not so with the RMMRC. All it takes is to go off on a four-day ride, eat meals together, share motel rooms, and just generally hang out and you learn people’s names and you do get to know them. So I’ve made a bunch of friends and had some really good times.

But things are changing. As opposed to every other summer since I’ve been a member, there have been precious few rides being planned. As a consequence, I haven’t been riding nearly as much as I usually do. And why is this?

I hate to say it but it’s age. The RMMRC has dwindled seriously since I joined. A number of the members have died. Others have just reached the point where they physically cannot ride any more. And now there are several of the really core members who are battling cancers and other serious–and deadly–illnesses and lord knows how long they’ll be with us.

And we’re not getting new members. The only new member I can think of in the last couple years was John. He was a great addition to the group, very enthusiastic and eager to ride a lot. And he is one of those now facing serious health issues.

When I joined I would go to meetings and there would be between 30 and 40 people attending. We would have special rooms of our own at restaurants to hold the meeting. At the August meeting this year there were 8 of us and we were at a couple tables out in the main restaurant. The restaurant was no longer willing to give us a separate room with a dedicated server; we’re just an eight-top.

So I’ve told myself a thousand times that if no one else is organizing rides then I should set some up. But it doesn’t happen. I beat myself over the head for it, saying just do it you idiot, but I don’t obey myself.

Recently we did a joint ride with the local BMW club, which is now headed by Sara and Sean, who used to be RMMRC members. I wondered if this was the beginning of a move to merge the two. But that was a big group on that ride, 30 or more, and again, I really don’t like riding in that big a group. So I soon peeled off on my own. If we do end up merging I’ll give it a shot but I’m not enthusiastic.

Which gets me to the title of this piece. Is this how a club dies? I know Judy is facing a similar situation in a club she belongs to. All the core members are getting old and there are few new, younger members to keep it going. I guess time will tell.

Biker Quote for Today

You know you’re a biker when your butt hurts, your back is killing you, you can t feel your hands or feet, and when your buddy asks you if you want to take a break you look him straight in the eyes and say HELL NO LET’S RIDE!!!!!

Filtering And Hands-Free Bills Continue To Advance

Thursday, March 21st, 2024

Motorcyclists filter through traffic in Bangkok, Thailand. Filtering is common practice in much of Asia and Europe. (Roland Dobbins via Wikimedia Commons)

A bill to permit lane filtering, after passing out of the Senate on March 13, went to the House and passed on third reading on March 18. Then it went back to the Senate for reconciliation and was repassed by the Senate as it had been amended. Unless I’m missing something I believe this means it is now headed to the governor. Holy smokes, is Colorado going to permit filtering? What’s the word Gov. Polis?

Meanwhile, a bill to prohibit use of electronic devices while driving (except for hands-free operation) was passed on third reading by the Colorado Senate on March 15 and sent to the House, where it has been scheduled for hearing at 1:30 p.m. on Wednesday, April 3. This is the big one. If you can make it down to support this bill please do so. In the last session a preceding bill made it through the Senate but died in the House. Let’s get it through the House this time.

Here’s the note sent out by Stump, legislative liaison for ABATE of Colorado:

SB24-065 (Use of Mobile Electronic Devices While Driving) passed the 3rd reading in the Senate on Friday, 3/15 and has been assigned to the House Transportation, Housing, and Local Government (H-THL) Committee. Below are the names and contact information for the members of the H-THL Committee. It hasn’t been scheduled yet (it has now–Ken), but I’ll let you know when it is. Please take a few minutes to urge your support for the bill and contact your Representative. It can be as simple as “vote yes on SB24-065” or you can elaborate as to why they should support the bill. D-5, D-13, and D-17 have members who are constituents of some of these committee members, so don’t forget to mention that if you see your Representative on the list.

Froelich, Meg – 303-866-2921 –
Lindsay, Mandy – 303-866-3911 –
Boesenecker, Andrew – 303-866-2917 –
Catlin, Marc – 303-866-2955 –
Frizell, Lisa – 303-866-2948 –
Jodeh, Iman – 303-866-2919 –
Mauro, Tisha – 303-866-2968 –
Parenti, Jennifer – 303-866-2924 –
Valdez, Alex – 303-866-2925 –
Vigil, Stephanie – 303-866-2937 –
Wilson, Don – 303-866-2191 –

This is all pretty amazing. Are we going to get both of these bills passed this year, finally? I’m not counting any chickens before they hatch because eggs do get broken unexpectedly. But it actually looks possible. Keep those fingers crossed. And contact your rep telling them how you want them to vote. They really do pay attention when people take the trouble to contact them.

Biker Quote for Today

God didn’t create metal so that man could make paper clips!

Colorado Edges Toward Allowing Lane Filtering

Thursday, March 14th, 2024

Larry Montgomery, ABATE’s state rep, awaits his turn to speak at the hearing.

A bill (SB24-079) to allow lane filtering by motorcycles when traffic stopped was passed out of House committee Tuesday and will now go to the floor. Let me back up, though, before I go forward.

I reported on this bill passing the Senate committee in February but I had been oblivious to later events. The situation is that apparently I depend too much on Stump, the ABATE of Colorado legislative liaison, to keep me up to date on these things. I assumed Stump would keep us advised on the progress of the bill but I guess maybe his main focus is on getting people to come in support of bills when they come up for hearings.

What that means in this case is that while I reported that the Senate committee OKed it on February 7, I did not know that on February 13 the entire Senate passed it, sending it over to the House. Oops. Big omission.

So it came to committee hearing in the House Tuesday, March 12, where it was passed on an 8-3 vote, sending it to the House as a whole. Its fate on the House floor is beyond my ken. I have no idea how the other members feel about this. But this time I’ll be watching and when it gets scheduled for floor debate I plan to be there to hear what is said.

In Tuesday’s hearing the list of witnesses wishing to speak pro or con was largely the same as in the Senate hearing. Several Colorado law enforcement agencies expressed their strong opposition, as did one fellow who is both a rider coach and an accident investigator. ABATE of Colorado maintained its neutrality, although State Rep Larry Montgomery, in his remarks, seemed to me to be leaning pro in that he said ABATE sees both sides but ABATE is a motorcyclist rights organization that strongly adheres to the philosophy that the rider should be able to choose. You can’t legally choose to filter if filtering is not legal.

Speaking in favor again were Nick Sands, representing the American Motorcyclist Association, and other individuals, including Tiger Chandler, representing the Coalition of Independent Riders and the Colorado Confederation of Clubs.

Several of the representatives expressed concern and two indicated they will seek to have amendments made on the House floor to address their concerns.

In the most forceful statements offered, the rider coach/accident investigator, Ed Shoenhite argued that Colorado motorcyclists are more privileged than they deserve or need to be and that they’re doing a “terrible job of keeping themselves alive.” He said that making helmets mandatory would do more than anything else to cut motorcycle fatalities in the state.

Countering such statements in their summation, one of the bill’s sponsors, Javier Mabrey, pointed out that no one in the opposition had pointed to any data from other states where filtering is allowed that show an increase in crashes or fatalities. In fact, most such data show a decrease in these incidents.

So now we’ll see what the House as a whole does, and then, if it passes, whether the governor will sign it. Neither is a certainty.

Biker Quote for Today

“It’s about the time I was riding my motorcycle, going down a mountain road at 150 miles an hour, playing my guitar.” — Arlo Guthrie

Senate Hearing For Filtering Bill Set Tuesday

Monday, March 11th, 2024

A hearing is set for Tuesday on motorcycle lane filtering.

If you want to support–or oppose–the bill currently in Colorado’s legislature that would legalize motorcycles filtering through traffic when traffic stopped, then get down to the Capitol on Tuesday at about 1:30 pm. I know I’ll be there.

Stump, the ABATE of Colorado legislative liaison, sent out the following action alert that I’ll just copy and paste in.

SB24-079 (Motorcycle Lane Filtering & Passing) has just been scheduled for a hearing with the House Transportation, Housing, and Local Government (H-THL) Committee for Tuesday, March 12th. It will be at 1:30 pm in room LSB-A (1st floor in the building across 14th St., south of the Capitol – you must enter through the basement). Below are the names and contact information for the members of the H-THL Committee. Please take a few minutes to voice your concerns about the bill. The latest version (reengrossed) of the bill can be read at

Attendance at the hearing would show that ABATE is concerned with legislation affecting motorcyclists whether you personally are for or against the bill. If you plan on testifying, either in person or remotely, you must register on line before the hearing. Here is the link to register: If this doesn’t work or for future reference, you can find this link at On the home page, cursor to “Committees”, then “Public Testimony Options” in the drop-down box. Easy-Peasy! The sign-up list is already available.

Froelich, Meg – 303-866-2921 –
Lindsay, Mandy – 303-866-3911 –
Boesenecker, Andrew – 303-866-2917 –
Catlin, Marc – 303-866-2955 –
Frizell, Lisa – 303-866-2948 –
Jodeh, Iman – 303-866-2919 –
Mauro, Tisha – 303-866-2968 –
Parenti, Jennifer – 303-866-2924 –
Valdez, Alex – 303-866-2925 –
Vigil, Stephanie – 303-866-2937 –
Wilson, Don – 303-866-2191 –

Thanks in advance for your participation in the legislative process.

As of today no hearing date has been set for SB24-065 (Mobile Electronic Devices While Driving). I’ll be putting that date up here when it has been set.

Biker Quote for Today

You might be a Yuppie biker if you have never kick started a bike before.

Last Rides Of 2023

Monday, January 1st, 2024

More bikes and more people at the Last Brass Monkey Run this year than for quite a few years.

I got in two last rides right at the end of 2023. The weather is looking OK so maybe I’ll be able to get in some January rides right away. We’ll see.

On Saturday it really wasn’t much of a ride. Mark over at Rowdy Rocket finally had a spot open for me to bring the Concours in so he can fix the issue that has the throttle not backing off as it should. That was just a very short, five-mile ride but hey, I was out on a bike on December 30. Were you? Now I’m just concerned, having given the bike to Rowdy on December 30, that I get it back before January 31 so I can get in a January ride on it. The last time they had my bike they had it for a very long time. If need be I’ll nudge Mark, but I’d rather not have to.

Then on Sunday it was the day for ABATE of Colorado‘s annual Last Brass Monkey Run. This was looking like the best chance in several years to actually ride to this thing so that was my plan. Also, I was still 26 miles short of turning over a new 1,000 on the V-Strom so you know I was going to ride if at all possible. And it was.

I checked the temperature and it seemed reasonably warm out there so I dressed accordingly but when I went out to roll the bike out it was a lot colder than I expected. I was wearing jeans with long underwear and the usual up top, including my electric vest, and planned to wear my winter gloves. I took off the jeans and put on a second layer of long underwear and then put on my riding pants, which I mostly wear in the winter. Then I pulled out my heated gloves. I didn’t want to be cold unnecessarily.

I took off, headed out west to Golden, to the Rock Rest Lodge, and yes it was cold. I had set the gloves at 50 percent power but soon wished I had set them at 75 percent. And I had carelessly draped the cord for the vest between the tank and my body in a manner that led to me accidentally turn it off three times. Let’s just say that when I reached the Rock Rest I was glad to get off and go inside.

It was a great turn-out–the best in years. And a lot of folks came on their bikes, as you can see in the photo. It was good to check in with all the usual folks (Mike: I guess it’s been exactly a year since I last saw you). Yeah, but in 2024 there are going to be some issues at the legislature where we’ll be seeing each other down at the capitol.

Coming home it was a bit warmer but I still set the gloves at 75 percent and that kept my hands toasty almost all the way home. And I was more careful with the cord for the vest and never once turned it off by accident.

Now I’m eager to check my odometers and see how many miles I put on each bike this year. I took three trips so it ought to be a higher number than last year. Those numbers will be showing up here soon.

Biker Quote for Today

2 > 4