Getting Nowhere Slowly

That Wolfhurst Lake development seems to be a world of its own out there.

Sometimes “Construction Ahead” doesn’t begin to tell the tale.

I was out on the Honda the other day, figured I’d head for the hills, where it was cooler. I hate taking the same route all the time so I vary it. This time I figured I’d go west on Belleview, turn south on Santa Fe, and pick up C-470 west just over to Kipling, where I would get off and then take the road up Deer Creek Canyon. Easy enough . . . most of the time.

This time, however, as I approached C-470 on Santa Fe there was a sign that read simply “Construction Ahead.” Normally that’s not a problem, you just navigate whatever detours they have set up and go about your business. But a little further ahead they showed they really meant business. The signs and barricades were shunting all traffic up onto the fly-over that puts you on C-470 eastbound. No matter if you wanted to continue south on Santa Fe, or wanted to go west on C-470. You’re going east on C-470. Period.

Dang. Might they not have put up some slightly more informative signs? I could have taken a different route.

OK, no matter, I would just go east as far as Lucent Boulevard, cross over, and come back to Santa Fe on County Line Road. Then I’d do the jog to get on C-470 westbound. Foolish me. I got to Santa Fe and the southbound lane was completely blocked and your only options were to go north or go across and follow that road, which looked like it ran alongside C-470 in the right direction, so that was my choice.

Nope. All that did was lead me into a mobile home development for seniors that was surprisingly extensive but had no other exit than the road I just came in on. So I got to go back out the way I came in and headed east on County Line Road, back to Lucent Boulevard.

Now here’s where my brain really misfired. C-470 was unimpacted by this construction on Santa Fe. There is a westbound on-ramp at Lucent. All I had to do was get on the on-ramp. But somehow that thought never crossed my mind. I crossed over the highway again and continued south till I came to a major road heading west, which I took to Santa Fe. No way was I going to go north now and get tangled in that mess again from a different direction. So I headed south.

What that meant was that to get where I was headed I had to go south to Titan Road and take it as it wanders all around over by Roxborough Park and Waterton Canyon, loop all the way south of Chatfield Reservoir, and finally get to–what else–the road up Deer Creek Canyon. About 45 minutes spent trying to cover ground that takes about 3 minutes to ride on C-470.

In case you’re out that way, I wouldn’t take Santa Fe at C-470 any time soon. It looks they’re rebuilding that entire intersection and a job like that takes a long time.

Biker Quote for Today

“I learned one thing from jumping motorcycles that was of great value on the golf course, the putting green especially: Whatever you do, don’t come up short.” — Evel Knievel

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