Ride Your Motorcycle To Work Tuesday

Screen grab from the Ride To Work site.

Let’s see, second Tuesday of June . . . something going on, isn’t there? Oh yeah, it’s Ride to Work Day.

You know, for some of us, riding to work is an impossibility because we don’t work. I’m retired. But when I was working you bet I made it a point to ride my bike to work on this day. Now I just get out and ride. Nobody knows I’m not going to work and besides, the work part of it is not the main point. The main point is to flood the streets with motorcycles and make drivers conscious that we are out there and they better be on the look-out.

I mean, when was the last time someone started pulling into your lane in your space because they didn’t bother to do a head check to make sure there was nothing in their blind spot? Yesterday? The day before? OK, maybe it doesn’t happen that often but I know that every one of us has had that experience numerous times.

And now, with lane filtering on its way, we’re really going to need to make our presence known. What better time to get started than on Ride to Work Day?

Of course, you know, another way to make drivers aware of us is not to blend into the scenery. I ride with the RMMRC a lot and most of those guys always wear high-viz fluorescent-colored vests and clothing. I finally gave in to peer pressure and bought a bright orange vest. You can stop ragging on me now Roy.

Biker Quote for Today

Under my helmet, dreams come alive, and I make them real on the road.


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