Show Our Strength. Ride to Work.

I know this is a little early but I just want to remind everyone that in 2007 Ride Your Motorcycle to Work Day is set for July 18.

You are familiar with Ride Your Motorcycle to Work Day, aren’t you? If not you should be. Here’s your chance.

On one day each year all motorcyclists are encouraged to ride their bikes to work. The idea is to get as many of us out there at the same time in order to make everyone else aware of how many of us there are. Also to make it clear that we are there and folks in cars and trucks need to drive as if we are there. Because we are. I don’t need to go into a discussion of the bazillion times every one of us has had to dodge someone who didn’t realize we were there.

So anyway, I’ll be mentioning this again several times as the day draws closer. In the meantime, you can find out all about this national event at the website:

Ride safely. Ride.


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