Posts Tagged ‘motorcycle myths’

Humor, I Think

Thursday, May 12th, 2016
Section of Huffington Post page

The article in question.

I ran across an article on the Huffington Post titled “7 Myths About Motorcycle Safety That Need To Go Away” and of course I had to read it and see what myths they were talking about. And I guess you have to take into account that the Huffington Post is a general audience publication, not something focused on motorcycling. Because I had to laugh at a few of them. Here they are, with my comments.

1. Bikers Only Wear Leather Because It Looks Cool
Do I need to say anything here? We know this is absurd; totally aimed at non-riders.

2. Full-Faced Helmets Restrict Your Visibility
Now, this one really is aimed at riders because I’m sure non-riders never even think about it. But I have to object to the statement because I know for a fact that full-face helmets do restrict my vision. I have extremely wide peripheral vision and I can look straight ahead and still see my helmet on both sides. It may not be a major restriction, but by my definition it is a restriction, so that statement–at least for people with very wide peripheral vision–is in fact true. And by the way, that word should be “vision” and not “visibility.” Visibility means being seen by others.

3. Big Bikes Are Great For Beginners
Oh really? Who in the world ever said that was true?

4. Loud Pipes Save Lives
Not even gonna go there. I have my opinions, you have yours, and neither of us is going to change the other’s mind.

5. Drivers Will See You
Again, nobody who has ridden for more than a few weeks would ever make a statement like that.

6. Roads And Streets Are Safer Than The Interstate
Oh, heck no! Roads and streets are where people and animals and stuff can come at you from any direction at any time. The interstate is a more controlled environment and at the very least you can see things farther away. This one is true and is a myth that definitely needs to be done away with.

7. If You’re About To Crash, Lay It Down
OK, here is one that really is a myth, and it does need to go away. Motorcycles are fantastically agile and the chances are that the bike has more capability than you have the skill to extract from it. But if you’re in a life or death situation, your chances are much better if you push the bike to its limits–and beyond your own–than if you deliberately lay it down.

So overall it’s a fair piece with some validity. My only question is who it is really intended for. Those of us who ride already know these things and those who don’t probably don’t care.

Biker Quote for Today

We rode out, we rode back, nobody died. It’s a good day.