Laws Are For Thee, Not For Me

Bike In Snow

Things looked like this out there just a few days ago but most of the roads are clear now.

What is it with people just flagrantly violating traffic laws and everyday rules of the road? In the last week I have been witness to three such incidents.

On Friday last week I was coming south on Havana, right where it bends west and becomes Hampden. I was in my car but that’s not really relevant here. This guy in a car came zooming across three lanes of traffic and got in the turn lane and was passing everyone in sight. He came up to the signaled intersection at Dartmouth and just blasted on through, still in the turn lane. And then he was gone around the bend.

Yesterday I was on my V-Strom on that same stretch of road and some guy on a sportbike came along going fast. He came to the first intersection after you make the bend onto Hampden and stopped for the red light. He looked both ways and saw there was no one coming from either direction so he just blasted on through the red light. He came up to the next lighted intersection and did the exact same thing.

And today I was out on the CB750, taking it for its first ride of the month. I was headed west on Quincy and had just crossed over I-25 and was planning a right turn onto Happy Canyon Road. Approaching the intersection there was a guy in a car behind me super, super close–not something anyone appreciates. I made the turn and so did he. Happy Canyon is a collector street so it’s bigger than a residential street but not as big as Havana or Hampden. It does have a turn lane in the middle. You guessed it. This guy just blasted on past me, and the person in front of me, using the turn lane. Dude, really? We were already going the speed limit. But I guess the laws don’t apply to these people.

So it’s a new month–February–and I had to get out on each of my three bikes. As I frequently do, I rode up to Cherry Creek to the Vineyard wine shop. Parking is terrible in Cherry Creek but the Vineyard has a small parking lot behind the store. You enter on the alley.

Well, at the north end of the alley the buildings provide enough shade that it was still all iced in. There was no way to get in without crossing the ice. I’m not crazy about doing that but I goosed the throttle a little for momentum and then rolled off and coasted across. No problem, but not something I want to make a regular habit of doing.

Biker Quote for Today

You might be a Yuppie biker if you leave your garage door open just so people can see your bike.


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