Getting A Little Piggy At The Show & Swap

Motorcycle Show & Swap

I’m a bit conflicted about going to the Colorado Motorcycle Show and Swap this year. I don’t go every year, but I have gone a number of times and had been thinking about it this year.

I’m a member of ABATE and each year ABATE sets up a booth. I worked the booth two years ago and was thinking about doing so again this year. At yesterday’s ABATE meeting they were making the point that they were short of people to work the booth, so why not?

Well here’s why not. It costs $15 to get in the show, and even though I was going two years ago to work the booth, I had to pay to get in. I asked Randy Savely, our District 10 rep, about that yesterday and he said oh yeah, that’s the way it is. In fact, he told me, last year when they went down on Friday night to set up, they had to pay admission to do so even though the show doesn’t open until Saturday.

Now hold on. You pay for the privilege of setting up a booth and then you have to pay to get in and man your booth? Or pay even to get in to set it up before the show starts? No, no, no. That is just wrong.

I mean, I can see how things could get out of hand if an organization set up a booth and then 100 of its members all wanted in free to “man the booth.” But that could be addressed just by saying, OK, each organization gets three passes; everyone else has to pay. But pay to get in the night before just to set up?! Please! To me, that smacks of just simple greed.

So you can imagine, I don’t feel very inclined to give these folks my $15. I may give in, but maybe not. It just smells a bit too much for my taste.

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MOTORCYCLES: created to keep us from choking the idiots around us.


2 Responses to “Getting A Little Piggy At The Show & Swap”

  1. Jones Says:

    It is stupid. It would be like making a football player buy a ticket to the game.

  2. » Blog Archive » Competition, Perhaps, For The Show & Swap? Says:

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