Tour Jay Leno’s Garage Online for Eye Candy

It’s no secret that Jay Leno loves old, classic cars and motorcycles, and has the money to buy whatever he wants. But did you know that he has a website where you can look at what he’s got and read a lot about them?

BSA motorcycleUsing the poetic, symbolic title of Jay Leno’s Garage, the site is a treasure trove of classics. I suppose some people might view this as Jay showing off, rubbing people’s noses in what he has that you don’t, but I prefer to think of it as a true enthusiast doing what he can to share with other enthusiasts. And truth be told, I’ve never heard anyone accuse him of the former, I’m just saying I wouldn’t be surprised if someone did. And if they do, I am of a different mind.

So check it out. At the very least you may enjoy killing an hour or two drooling.

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Biker Quote for Today

It’s not the fastest bike out there, it’s not the most well behaved, but what it does is put a smile on my face every time I ride it and isn’t that what really matters?


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