Milestones And Good Intentions

Blog dashboard

I missed the point where I published my 1,000th post on this blog.

It’s frustrating when you see something coming, you anticipate it, wait for it, and then get distracted and let it go by unnoticed.

That happened to me last week. I had known for a couple months I was drawing near the point of having put up 1,000 posts on this blog, and I intended some sort of recognition of that fact in that 1,000th post. Look at that section of my blog dashboard above. It shows there are now 1,005 posts on this blog (1,006 when this one goes up) and 1,002 of them are mine. Just slipped right by. Whatever. I’m marking the occasion now.

Of course you might well ask who put up the other three. I had to check myself. That would be Matt Wessels. I knew Matt had put up two but I had forgotten he put up three. Matt was someone who I knew and thought could make a contribution here and he was very interested. So I set him up.

Obviously his interest flagged pretty quickly. Too bad. I was looking for some good stuff from him. That’s where the “Good Intentions” in the header above comes from.

Matt had written about the Motorcycle Safety Foundation and kind of annoyed them. They expressed an interest in what they felt would be setting the record straight and I encouraged Matt and them to talk. Nothing ever came of that.

Not that I haven’t been guilty of the same thing numerous times over the course of 1,000 posts. Most recently I had written some things that annoyed the ethanol industry and the sent me a bunch of information and asked me to present their side. I told them I would but the issue faded away and I’ve never had the time where it was a higher priority than anything else. Similarly, there have been a number of times when I’ve written about something in progress and promised to follow up, only to fail to ever do so.

My apologies. If this blog was my full-time job and the way I earn my living I could have devoted the resources to making these things happen. But I’m just a guy doing this on the side.

So anyway, I guess I’ve demonstrated that I’m serious about this, and I think I’ve put up a bunch of good stuff. And I certainly hope you agree. Now let’s see what I come with in the second 1,000.

Biker Quote for Today

I’m not easily distracted. I just . . . OMG, do I hear a bike?


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